LaborOnline LAWCHA New Book Interviews

James C. Benton on his recent book, Fraying Fabric How Trade Policy and Industrial Decline Transformed America

James C Benton’s 2022 Fraying Fabric: How Trade Policy and Industrial Decline Transformed America (University of Illinois Press, 2022) asks important questions about.

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LAWCHA New Book Interviews

The Radicalism of Working-Class Americans

In the United States there exists today, and has existed since at least the 1950s, a dominant political narrative according to which most.

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Herbert G. Gutman Prize for an Outstanding Dissertation: Deadline December 2

The Labor and Working-Class History Association (LAWCHA) is pleased to announce its annual Herbert G. Gutman Prize for Outstanding Dissertation in U.S. Labor.

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Membership list is back!

After a long period of downtime for the membership list, we have finally fixed it! Ryan Poe

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Call For Papers: Invisible Labor in Carceral Spaces: A Special Issue of International Labor and Working-Class History

CALL FOR PAPERS ILWCH is soliciting articles for a special issue that will examine the history of unfree labor in carceral spaces within.

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Action Alerts LaborOnline LAWCHA

LAWCHA Statement on Racist Violence and Solidarity in Working-Class History

The Labor and Working-Class History Association condemns the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and all victims of racist police brutality,.

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LAWCHA Teaching Blog

What do Teaching, Publishing, & Collective Action have in common?

LAWCHA’s Teaching Labor’s Story project has an answer – NEW to the TLS project: Thematic Threads. Nikki Mandell

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Jake Altman on Socialism before Sanders

Our series of interviews with authors of new books in labor and working-class history continues. In this edition, Stephanie Riley interviewed Jake Altman.

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Jimmy Hoffa: Symbol of a Bygone Era

Jimmy Hoffa used to say he’d be forgotten ten years after his death. This was an uncharacteristically unintelligent judgment. Forty-four years after his.

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The Red Scare and Radical Unionism

One hundred years ago this November, a small army of federal agents, backed by police and vigilantes, launched the first of a series.

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