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name Thomas Adams
affiliation Wellenough
location Byron MI US
name Maya Adereth
location London GB
name Emiliano Aguilar
location Whiting IN US
name Sean Ahern
location New York NY US
name Paul Ahrens
affiliation Field Representative, United Steelworkers Local 675
location Los Angeles, CA USA
blurb Long-time trade unionist in Los Angeles and California. Field Representative for United Steelworkers Local 675. Previously Assistant Business Agent for IATSE Local 44. By Craft Ahrens is a Filmed Entertainment Property Master and Member of Affiliated Property Craftspersons, IATSE Local 44 since 1987. Labor Studies Student at Los Angeles Trade Technical College and at University of Massachusetts Union Leadership program. B.A. 1980: UCLA School of Theater, Film & Television.
name Joseph Algaier
location Belton MO US
name Dominic Allen
location Giffnock, Glasgow GB
name Hannah Allison
location Lawrence KS US
name Tom Alter
location San Marcos TX US
name Judith Ancel
affiliation Umkc
location Kansas City KS US
name David Anderson
location Austin TX US
name Gordon Andrews
location Lawrence MI US
name Mary Ann Clawson
affiliation Wesleyan University
location Northampton MA US
name Lizabeth Cohen
affiliation Department of History, Harvard University
location Cambridge, MA
blurb Lizabeth Cohen is the Howard Mumford Jones Professor of American Studies and Harvard University Distinguished Service Professor in the Department of History at Harvard. She is the author of Making A New Deal: Industrial Workers in Chicago, 1919-1939 (Bancroft Prize for 1990); A Consumers\\\' Republic: The Politics of Mass Consumption in Postwar America; and Saving America\\\'s Cities: Ed Logue and the Struggle to Renew Urban America in the Suburban Age (Bancroft Prize for 2020).
name Mary Anne Trasciatti
location Long Beach NY US
blurb Mary Anne Trasciatti, Professor of Rhetoric and Director of Labor Studies at Hofstra University, is President of Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition. She is co-editor (with Edvige Giunta) of Talking to the Girls: Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire (2022) and (with Robert Forrant) of the forthcoming Where are the Workers? Labor’s Stories at Museums and Historic Sites (2022). She is finishing a book on the civil liberties activism of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, to be published by Rutgers University Press.
name Dexter Arnold
location Nashua NH US
name James Atleson
affiliation SUNY Law School Emeritus
location Cape Elizabeth ME US
name Ana Avendano
location Washington DC US
name Omari Averette-Phillips
location Davis CA US
name Steve Babson
location Detroit MI US
name Alex Bacon
location Seattle WA US
name Joshua Barnett
location Brooklyn NY US
name Jim Barrett
location Champaign IL US
blurb Jim Barret is Professor of History and African American Studies at the University of Illinois. He is the author of The Irish Way: Becoming American in the Multi-Ethnic City.
name Marsha Barrett
location Urbana IL US
name James Barrett
location Champaign IL US
name Kalilou Barry
location Saint Cyr l'Ecole FR
name Bill Barry
affiliation Community College of Baltimore County
location Baltimore MD US
blurb Bill Barry was the Director of Labor Studies at the Community College of Baltimore County. Although retired from academia, Bill is still active in labor issues in Maryland.
name Dave Bates
affiliation Concordia University Chicago
location River Forest IL US
name Andy Battle
location Brooklyn NY US
name Rudi Batzell
affiliation Lake Forest College
location Chicago IL US
blurb My interests are in the social history and politics of inequality, extending across the intersection of racism, gender, and class formation.
name William Bauer
affiliation University of Nevada, Las Vegas
location Las Vegas NV US
name Gordon Baxter
location Renton WA US
name James Bearden
location Rochester NY US
name Sven Beckert
affiliation Harvard University
location Cambridge MA US
name Aaron Bekemeyer
location Cambridge MA US
name Jon Bekken
affiliation Albright College
location Philadelphia PA US
blurb Jon Bekken is a historian of the immigrant and working-class press. He is co-editor of Radical Economics & Labor (Routledge), and co-author of The Industrial Workers of the World: Its First 100 Years. He has published articles and book chapters on newsboys, Marine Transport Works IU510, working-class newspapers at the turn of the 20th century, labor's fight for free speech rights, Chicago newspapers, and other subjects.
name Edward Beller
location Bronx NY US
name Peter Benner
location Inver Grove Heights MN US
name Evan Bennett
location Boca Raton FL US
name Faith Bennett
affiliation University of California Davis
location Sacramento CA US
blurb Faith Bennett is a US History PhD student at the University of California Davis with a Designated Emphasis in Feminist Theory and Research. She has a strong interest in public history and digital humanities and is currently researching gender and worker theorization of food service work in the 20th century Bay Area.
name Martin Bennett
location Sonoma CA US
name James Benton
affiliation Director, Race and Economic Empowerment Project, Kalmanovitz Institute for Labor and the Working Poor, Georgetown University
location Washington, DC
name Jane Berger
location Bethlehem PA US
name Joel Berger
location Washington DC US
name Julia Berkowitz
location Chicago IL US
name Erik Bernardino
affiliation University of California Santa Cruz
location Lewiston ME US
name Jules Bernstein
location Washington DC US
name Rachel Bernstein
location Croton On Hudson NY US
name Joe Berry
affiliation City College of San Francisco
location Berkeley, CA 94707
blurb Joe Berry, retired contingent historian and labor educator, City College of San Francisco and University of Illinois. Taught at Ton Duc Thang University, Faculty of Labor Relations and Trade Unions in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam from 2015-2019. Author of Reclaiming the Ivory Tower: Organizing adjuncts to change higher education and co-author with Helena Worthen of Power Despite Precarity: Strategies for the contingent faculty movement in higher education.
name Alexandra Bethlenfalvy
location West Columbia SC US
name Teresa Bill
location Honolulu HI US
name Donna Binkiewicz
location Los Angeles CA US
name Benjamin Blake
affiliation University of Maryland
location Hyattsville MD US
name Jim Bligh
location Oklahoma City OK US
name Dan Boone
location Berkeley CA US
name Rebecca Boorstein
location New Haven CT US
name Eileen Boris
affiliation Ucsb
location Santa Barbara CA US
name Eileen Boris
affiliation Ucsb
location Santa Barbara CA US
name Michael Botson
location Houston TX US
name Kevin Boyle
location Evanston IL US
name Allyson Brantley
location Los Angeles CA US
name Kasper BraskÉn
location Tammisaari FI
name Lauren Braun Strumfels
location Somerville NJ US
name Lauren Braun Strumfels
affiliation Cedar Crest College
location Allentown PA US
name Susan Breitzer
location Fayetteville NC US
name Steve Brier
location New York NY US
blurb Professor, Ph.D. Program in Urban Education, CUNY Graduate CenterCoordinator, Interactive Technology & Pedagogy Certificate Prog., CUNY Graduate CenterConsortial Faculty Member, Joseph S. Murphy Institute for Worker Education & Labor Studies, SPS, CUNY
name Cathy Brigden
location Coburg AU
name David Brody
location Kensington CA US
name Garrett Brown
location El Cerrito CA US
name Kathleen Brown
location Ann Arbor MI US
name David Brundage
location Santa Cruz CA US
blurb David Brundage is a Professor and the Graduate Program Director, History Department, at University of California, Santa Cruz.
name David Bruno
location New York NY US
name Cecelia Bucki
affiliation Departmentof History
location Fairfield CT US
name Amber Burgamy
location Milledgeville GA US
name Bridget Burke
location Washington DC US
name Sean Burns
location Cantrall IL US
name Bob Bussel
location Eugene OR US
name Steven Calco
affiliation Cornell University
location Ithaca, New York
blurb Steven Calco is the Research Archivist at the Kheel Center Labor-Management Archives at Cornell. Steven holds an MLS from CUNY Queens College and an MA in Labor Studies from the CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies. Previously at CUNY Brooklyn College and Baruch College archives for over a decade, he worked to organize part time librarians and archivists in the CUNY system and co-published a paper on digitizing Yiddish language archives.
name Dana Caldemeyer
location Douglas GA US
name D. Caleb Smith
location Metairie LA US
name Leigh Campbell-Hale
location Lafayette CO US
name Jenny Carson
affiliation Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University)
location Toronto
blurb Jenny Carson teaches 20th century American women’s labor history at a large public university (Toronto Met) in Toronto, Canada. Her book, A Matter of Moral Justice: Black Women Laundry Workers and the Fight for Justice (University of Illinois, 2021) examines African American and radical women's organizing in the laundry industry in the 20th century. She also writes about current service worker mobilizations against precarity and low wages.
name Donna Cartwright
location Baltimore MD US
name Theresa Case
location Houston TX US
name Leo Casey
location Washington DC US
name Robert Cassanello
affiliation University of Central Florida
location Orlando FL US
name Chris CastaÑeda
location Carmichael CA US
name Thomas Castillo
location Conway SC US
name Joe Catania
location Asbury Park NJ US
name David
location Reston VA US
blurb I research Soviet espionage networks and the US labor movement cement in the US (1930s-1940s) and the Alger Hiss Case (1948-1950) from a non-political stance.
name William Chapman
location Greenwood ME US
name Marisa Chappell
affiliation Oregon State University
location Corvallis OR US
blurb Marisa Chappell is a historian of 20th and 20th century U.S. politics, social policy, and social movements. She is the author of The War on Welfare: Family, Poverty, and Politics in Modern America (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010) among other scholarly publications. She is currently writing a political history of working-class Americans in the late twentieth century through the lens of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.
name Robert Cherny
location San Francisco CA US
name Kimberly Christensen
location New Rochelle NY US
name Larry Christensen
location Dearborn MI US
name Daniel Clark
affiliation Oakland University
location Ann Arbor MI US
blurb Books:Like Night and Day: Unionization in a Southern Mill Town (University of North Carolina Press, 1997).Disruption in Detroit: Autoworkers and the Elusive Postwar Boom (University of Illinois Press, 2018).
name Shannan Clark
affiliation Montclair State University
location Brooklyn NY US
blurb Shannan Clark is an Associate Professor of History at Montclair State University and the author of The Making of the American Creative Class: New York’s Culture Workers and Twentieth-Century Consumer Capitalism (Oxford, 2021). He is currently researching a book on the history of the Distributive Workers of America and District 65 from the late 1960s through the early 1990s, and also working on other projects related to the history of white-collar labor.
name Mary Ann Clawson
location Northampton MA US
name John Claydon
location Hillsborough NC US
name Robert Cliver
affiliation California Polytechnic University Humboldt
location California
blurb I am a historian of twentieth-century China and Russia interested in labor and management in capitalist and socialist enterprises, gender and sexuality, markets and planning, and the history of textiles generally. My first book, Red Silk: Class, Gender, and Revolution in the Yangzi Delta Silk Industry explores the effects of the Chinese revolutions of the twentieth century on two very different groups of workers - silk weavers and thread mill (filature) workers.
name Dorothy Sue Cobble
affiliation Rutgers University
location Princeton, NJ
blurb A distinguished professor emerita of history and labor studies at Rutgers University, Cobble is the author of multiple prize-winning books and articles. Her next book, under contract with The New Press, draws on the far-seeing ideas of labor thinkers of the past to help us reimagine a fairer, more inclusive America.
name Dustin Cohan
location Fitchburg WI US
name Deborah Cohen
location Saint Louis MO US
name Miriam Cohen
affiliation Evalyn Clark Professor Emerita of History, Vassar College.
location Poughkeepsie NY US
blurb Her specialties include the history of American women and the history of twentieth-century social reform. Her book, Workshop to Office: Two Generations of Italian Women in New York City (1993) was a finalist for the Thomas Znaniecki Prize of the American Sociological Association. Her book Julia Lathrop: Social Service and Progressive Government, was published by Westview (now Routledge) in 2017. She has published articles on schooling and the American welfare state.
name Paul Cole
location Cohoes NY US
name Peter Cole
location Macomb IL US
blurb Peter Cole is a professor of history at Western Illinois University and a research associate at the University of Witwatersrand. He has written Wobblies on the Waterfront (2007) and Dockworker Power: Race and Activism in Durban and the San Francisco Bay Area (2018).
name Colleen Woods
affiliation University of Maryland
location College Park MD US
blurb Colleen Woods is the author of Freedom Incorporated: American Imperialism and Philippine Independence in the Age of Decolonization (2020). Woods is currently working on a second project that will bring together histories of U.S. imperialism, labor, and capitalism through a study of U.S. military and military contractors reliance on low-wage Filipino labor in the postwar Pacific.
name Martin Comack
location Somerville MA US
name Lance Compa
location San Diego CA US
name Tula Connell
location Silver Spring MD US
name James Cook
location Mount Horeb WI US
name Daniel Cornford
location Davis CA US
name Eric B. Cortes-Kopp
location Syracuse NY US
name Frank Cosco
location Vancouver BC CA
name Lorenzo Costaguta
affiliation University of Bristol
location Bristol GB
name Jeffrey Coster
location Rockville MD US
name Doug Crandell
location Douglasville GA US
name Keith Danish
location Leonia NJ US
name Goliath Davis, IV
location Quincy FL US
name Greta de Jong
affiliation University of Nevada, Reno
location NV
blurb Greta de Jong's research focuses on the connections between race and class and the ways that African Americans have fought for economic as well as political rights from the end of Reconstruction through the twenty-first century. Her current project examines the role of interracial parent and community organizations that supported court-ordered desegregation of the Boston public schools in the 1970s and 1980s.
name Iris De Lis
location Portland OR US
name Frank Deale
location Maplewood NJ US
name Peter Dechiara
location East Hampton NY US
name Alan Derickson
affiliation Penn State University
location State College PA US
blurb I study US workers exposed to unhealthful working conditions, from the onset of industrialization up to the present.
name Dennis Deslippe
affiliation Franklin & Marshall College
location Lancaster, PA
blurb Deslippe's current research project is "The Urban Citizen," a history of social and economic citizenship in America's cities since the 1960s. His most recent publication is “BUILD, Baltimore’s Working Poor, and Economic Citizenship in the 1990s,” Journal of Civiland Human Rights 6, no.1 (Spring/Summer 2020): 31-60.
name Sarah Deutsch
location Durham NC US
name Victor Devinatz
affiliation Il State University
location Normal IL US
name Patrick Dixon
location Arlington VA US
blurb Patrick Dixon is a Research Analyst at the Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor at Georgetown University and the Managing Editor of Labor: Studies in Working-Class History. His most recent research explores the misclassification of Maximus call center workers contracted to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
name Rachel Donaldson
location Baltimore MD US
name Ashley Dorn
location Iowa City IA US
blurb Ashley Dorn is pursuing her PhD at the University of Iowa, where she studies labor migration and citizenship in the Federal Transient Program, examining the confluence of sexuality and disability.
name Ara Dostourian
location Harmony RI US
name Alan Draper
affiliation St Lawrence University
location Canton NY US
name Holger Droessler
location Newton MA US
name Traci Drummond
location Hollywood MD US
name Thomas Dublin
location Berkeley CA US
name Melvyn Dubofsky
location Endicott NY US
name Natanya Duncan
location Brooklyn NY US
name Alexander Dunphy
location Baltimore MD US
name Steve Early
affiliation NewsGuild/CWA
location Richmond, CA.
blurb Steve Early is a NewsGuild/CWA member who has been a journalist, lawyer, or labor organizer since 1972. Early's latest book is Our Veterans: Winners, Losers, Friends and Enemies on the New Terrain of Veterans Affairs (Duke University Press, 2022). He is also the author of Refinery Town: Big Oil, Big Money, and the Remaking of An American City (Beacon Press, 2018) and three earlier books about labor and politics for Monthly Review Press and Haymarket Books.
name Martha Ecker
location Woodcliff Lake NJ US
name Kurt Ellison
location Seattle WA US
name Andrew Elrod
location Los Angeles CA US
name Beth English
affiliation Organization of American Historians/Indiana University
location Bloomington IN US
blurb Beth English is Executive Director of the Organization of American Historians (OAH) and Adjunct Associate Professor of History at Indiana University, OAH’s host campus. Her research and teaching focus on labor and working-class history and culture, gender, carcerality, the US South, and globalization. She is the author of A Common Thread (UGA Press), and co-editor of Global Women’s Work in Transition (Routledge).
name John Enyeart
location Lewisburg PA US
blurb John Enyeart is a Professor of History at Bucknell University. He teaches courses on the United States that focus on capitalism, immigrants, workers, the Cold War, cities, and politics in general.
name Cale Erwin
affiliation Indiana University Purdue University (IUPUI)
location Indianapolis
blurb I am a third-year Ph.D. student in American Studies at Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI), focusing on labor & urban politics in the Midwest within the context of neoliberal governance in the 20th century. Currently, I work in the field of Scholarly Communications at Butler University, where I work on open-access textbooks and journal publications initiatives.
name Ken Estey
location Newfane VT US
name Josue Estrada
location Ellensburg WA US
name Josue Estrada
location Ellensburg WA US
name Bryant Etheridge
location North Conway NH US
name Geoffrey Ewen
location Toronto ON CA
name Justin F Jackson
location Great Barrington MA US
name Joseph Fahey
location Venice FL US
name Elizabeth Faue
affiliation Wayne State University
blurb Elizabeth Faue is best known for her work on labor and gender and as the author of Rethinking the American Labor Movement (2017) and other publications, including Writing the Wrongs (2002) and Community of Suffering and Struggle (1991). She organized the North American Labor History Conference (1991-2003) and has served as labor network rep for the Social Science History Association. Her current work is on occupational health and safety and on nurse and teacher activism.
name Kathy Ferguson
location Honolulu HI US
name Lilia Fernandez
affiliation University of Illinois at Chicago
location Chicago
blurb Lilia Fernández specializes in the history of Latinos/as/x in the mid-to-late 20th century US. Her first book, Brown in the Windy City: Mexicans and Puerto Ricans in Postwar Chicago, focused on the migration and settlement of these two populations in the city’s central neighborhoods. Her current research continues to examine Latino history in the Chicago area, focusing specifically on cross-ethnic interactions among Latinos, their labor politics, and class dynamics.
name Rosemary Feurer
location Dekalb IL US
blurb Rosemary Feurer is editor of Labor Online, author of Radical Unionism in the Midwest, 1900-1950 and Against Labor, co-edited with Chad Pearson. She is completing The Illinois Mine Wars.
name Eileen Findlay
location Washington DC US
name Leon Fink
location Washington DC US
blurb Leon Fink is a distinguished professor of history at the University of Illinois, Chicago and the editor of Labor: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas.
name Alexandra Finley
location Pittsburgh PA US
name Paul Fitzgerald
location Seattle WA US
name Raymond Fleck
location Clearwater FL US
name Bruce Fleischer
location Jamaica Plain MA US
name Joan Flores-Villalobos
location Los Angeles CA US
name Kenneth Fones-Wolf
location Williamsburg VA US
name Paulo Fontes
location Princeton NJ US
name Melissa Ford
location Pittsburgh PA US
name Robert Forrant
location Lowell MA US
name Hannah Forsyth
location Katoomba AU
blurb Dr Hannah Forsyth is Senior Lecturer in History at the Australian Catholic University, working on the histories of capitalism, labor and education in Australian and global history. Hannah is author of A History of the Modern Australian University (UNSW Press 2014).
name Ben Fortun
location Chapel Hill NC US
name Miriam Frank
location New York NY US
name Dana Frank
location Santa Cruz CA US
name Max Fraser
location White River Junction VT US
name Josh Freeman
location Copake Falls NY US
name John French
location Durham NC US
blurb John French is a professor of History and African and African-American Studies at Duke University. He is a former associate editor for Latin America and the Caribbean for Labor: Studies in Working Class History of the Americas.
name Gail Friedman
location Pittsboro NC US
name Joseph Fronczak
location Princeton NJ US
name Eric Fure-Slocum
location Northfield MN US
blurb Eric Fure-Slocum is Associate Professor of History at St. Olaf College. He is the author of multiple books and articles on U.S. urban and working-class history.
name Nancy Gabin
location Lafayette IN US
name Jackie Gabriel
affiliation Western State Colorado University
location Gunnison CO US
name Matthew Garcia
location East Thetford VT US
name Ian Gavigan
location Philadelphia PA US
name Erik S Gellman
affiliation Associate Professor of History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and LAWCHA National Secretary
location Chapel Hill, North Carolina
name Kenneth Germanson
affiliation Wisconsin Labor History Society
location Milwaukee WI US
name Frank Gerould
location Elkins Park PA US
name Dennis Gilbert
location Eugene OR US
name Toni Gilpin
location Evanston IL US
name Janine Giordano Drake
location Bloomington IN US
name Gary Girod
affiliation University of Houston
location Houston TX US
name Neil Gladstein
location Silver Spring MD US
name Neil Gladstein
location Silver Spring MD US
name Fred Glass
affiliation City College of San Francisco
location SF Bay Area
blurb Fred Glass was communications director for the California Federation of Teachers for nearly thirty years before retiring in 2017.  He also taught labor history at City College of San Francisco, where he continues to teach part-time.  He wrote and directed Golden Lands, Working Hands, a ten-part video series on California labor history. His book, From Mission to Microchip: A History of the California Labor Movement, was published by UC Press (2016).
name Susan Glenn
affiliation University of Washington
location Seattle WA US
name Thavolia Glymph
location Durham NC US
name Corey Gochenaur
location Mechanicsburg PA US
name Michael Goldfield
location Edmonds WA US
name Debbie Goldman
location Washington DC US
name William Goldsmith
location Chapel Hill NC US
name Claire Goldstene
location Davis CA US
blurb Claire Goldstene is a Board member of New Faculty Majority and the author of The Struggle for America’s Promise: Equal Opportunity at the Dawn of Corporate Capital.
name David Golland
location Homewood IL US
name Daniel Golodner
location Huntington Woods MI US
name Axel Gonzalez
location Albuquerque NM US
name Sergio Gonzalez
location Wauwatosa WI US
name Adam Goodman
location Chicago IL US
name William Gorby
location Moundsville WV US
name William Gorby
location Moundsville WV US
name Dan Graff
location Notre Dame IN US
blurb Daniel Graff is Director of the Higgins Labor Program and Professor of the Practice in the Department of History at the University of Notre Dame.
name Paul Gray
location Toronto ON CA
name Brian Greenberg
location Shrewsbury NJ US
name Julie Greene
affiliation University of Maryland at College Park
location Silver Spring
blurb Julie Greene is a historian of United States labor, migration, and empire. She is a Professor of History at the University of Maryland and past president of LAWCHA.
name Nicole Greer Golda
location Roanoke VA US
name James Gregory
affiliation University of Washington
location Seattle, WA
blurb Jim Gregory is a Professor of History at the University of Washington and past- president of LAWCHA.
name Cristina Groeger
location Chicago IL US
name James Grossman
location Washington DC US
name Patrick Grubbs
location Bethlehem PA US
name Catherine Gyllerstrom
location Morristown NJ US
name Anne Habel
location Madison WI US
name Michelle Haberland
location Savannah GA US
name Cindy Hahamovitch
affiliation University of Georgia
location Athens GA US
blurb Cindy Hahamovitch is LAWCHA's President, a faculty member at the University of Georgia, and an active member of United Campus Workers of Georgia, Local 3265 (CWA). She is the author of The Fruits of Their Labor: Atlantic Coast Farmworkers and the Making of Migrant Poverty and No Man's Land: Jamaican Guestworkers in America and the Global History of Deportable Labor. She now works on labor trafficking, Chambers v. FL, and films for K-12 history classes.
name Greg Hall
location Macomb IL US
name Jacquelyn Dowd Hall
affiliation UNC-Chapel Hill
location Chapel Hill, NC 27514
blurb Jacquelyn Dowd Hall is Julia Cherry Spruill Professor Emeritus at UNC-Chapel Hill. She was the founding director of UNC’s Southern Oral History Program and the founding president of the Labor and Working Class History Association. Her most recent book is Sisters and Rebels: A Struggle for the Soul of America (2019). She received a National Humanities Medal in 1999 and was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2011.
name Sharif Hall
location Jacksonville FL US
name Rick Halpern
location Toronto ON CA
name Martin Halpern
location Poughkeepsie NY US
name Lc Hansen
location Portland OR US
name Matthew Hanson
location Seattle WA US
name Connor Harney
location Fuquay Varina NC US
name Brandon Hartung
location Duluth MN US
name Christopher Hayes
location Freehold NJ US
name Andrew Hazelton
location Laredo TX US
name Joe Healy
location Chicago IL US
name Andrew Hedden
affiliation Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies, University of Washington
location Seattle
blurb I am the Associate Director of the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies and a PhD candidate in History at the University of Washington. My dissertation-in-progress is titled "Empire of Tomorrow: Seattle and the Making of Global Capitalism, 1962-1983."
name Jeff Helgeson
location San Marcos TX US
name David Helps
location Chicago IL US
name John Hennen
location Morehead KY US
name William Herbert
location Delmar NY US
name William Herbert
location Delmar NY US
name Claude Hersh
location Brooklyn NY US
name Tobias Higbie
location Los Angeles CA US
blurb University of California, Los Angeles
name Andrew S. Higgins
location Boston, MA
blurb Andrew S. Higgins is the author of Higher Education for All: Racial Inequality, Cold War Liberalism, and the California Master Plan (University of North Carolina Press, forthcoming spring 2023). He is currently editing From the Free Speech Movement to the Factory Floor, a collection of original pieces by former members of the Independent Socialist Club and International Socialists. Higgins earned his PhD from the University of California at Davis.
name Michael Hillard
location Portland ME US
name Henry Himes
location Warren OH US
name Susan Hirsch
affiliation Loyola University Chicago
location Chicago IL US
blurb Susan Hirsch is Professor Emerita of History at Loyola University Chicago. She is the author of After the Strike: A Century of Labor Struggle at Pullman (University of Illinois Press, 2003); Roots of the American Working Class: The Industrialization of Crafts in Newark, 1800-1860 (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1978); and is co-editor, with Lewis Erenberg, of The War in American Culture: Society and Consciousness during World War II (University of Chicago Press, 1996).
name Emily Hobson
location Reno NV US
name Adam Hodges
location Houston TX US
name Adam J. Hodges
location Houston TX US
name Nate Holdren
location Des Moines IA US
name Coleen Holloway
location Torino IT
name Darryl Holter
location Los Angeles CA US
name Kenneth Homan
location Washington DC US
name Mike Honey
location Tacoma WA US
name Roger Horowitz
affiliation Hagley Museum & Library
location Wilmington DE US
name Joseph Hower
affiliation Southwestern University
location Georgetown TX US
blurb Dr. Joseph E. Hower is an assistant professor of history at Southwestern, where he serves as prelaw adviser and teaches courses on the social and political history of the modern U.S. His work has been published in the Journal of American History, Labor: Studies in Working Class History, Labor History, Journal of Policy History, and Radical History Review. He is currently completing A Revolution in Government: Jerry Wurf and the Rise of Public Sector Unions in Postwar America.
name Andrew Hoyt
location Walnut Creek CA US
name Amanda Hughett
location Springfield IL US
name Vilja Hulden
affiliation University of Colorado Boulder
location Boulder CO US
blurb Vilja Hulden is instructor at the Department of History at the University of Colorado Boulder. Her work focuses on employer organizations' use of lobbying, publicity, and class-based social networks to push their agenda, and on how debates over who should govern at the workplace have shaped American ideas about governance, democratic participation, and the relationship between individual rights and collective action.
name David Huyssen
location New York NY US
name Charles Idelson
location Oakland CA US
name Anna Igra
location Saint Paul MN US
name Michael Innis-Jimene
location Tuscaloosa AL US
name Esther Isaac
location Chicago IL US
name Sheena Jain
location New Delhi IN
name Aaron Jesch
location Vancouver WA US
name Neil Johnson
location Goleta CA US
name Victoria Johnson
location Eureka CA US
name Sarah Johnston
location Kansas City KS US
name Amber Jolly
location Fort Worth TX US
name Justin Jolly
location Fort Worth TX US
name William P. Jones
affiliation University of Minnesota
location Saint Paul MN US
blurb William P. Jones is Professor of History at the University of Minnesota and former President of LAWCHA. A scholar of race and class in the 20th century United States, he is author of The Tribe of Black Ulysses: African American Lumber Workers in the Jim Crow South (University of Illinois Press, 2005) and The March on Washington: Jobs, Freedom, and the Forgotten History of Civil Rights (W.W. Norton & Co., 2013).
name Elizabeth Jozwiak
location Janesville WI US
name Tom Juravich
location Brattleboro VT US
name Nicholas Juravich
location Brooklyn NY US
blurb Nick Juravich completed his Ph.D. at Columbia University and is Assistant Professor of History and Labor Studies, College of Liberal Arts Associate Director, Labor Resource Center.
name Tom Juravich
location Brattleboro VT US
name Marc Kagan
location New York NY US
name Love Karlsson
location Somerville MA US
name Daniel Katz
location Brooklyn NY US
name Eric Kaufman
affiliation The Ohio State University
location Columbus OH US
name Leila Kawar
location Ann Arbor MI US
name Gregory S. Kealey
affiliation Professor Emeritus, University of New Brunswick
location Fredericton NB, Canada
blurb Founding Editor, Labour/le Travail; author of Toronto Workers Respond to Industrial Capitalism (1980, 1991); Dreaming of What Might be: The Knights of Labor in Ontario (1982, 1987), with Bryan Palmer; Workers in Canadian History (1995); Secret Service; Political Policing in Canada (2012), with Reg Whitaker and Andrew Parnaby; Spying on Canadians (2017). Editor of University of Toronto Press' Canadian Social History Series and of Athabasca UP's Working Canadians Series.
name Caroline Keegan
location College Station TX US
name Kim Kelly
location Philadelphia PA US
name Ronald Kent
location Madison WI US
name Alice Kessler-Harris
location New York NY US
name Alex Keyssar
location Cambridge MA US
name Tariq Khan
location Champaign IL US
name Naomi R. Williams
location New Brunswick NJ US
blurb Naomi R Williams is an assistant professor of Labor Studies at Rutgers University She received her PhD from the History Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.. Currently, she is revising a book manuscript, tentatively titled “Workers United: Race, Labor, and Coalition Building in Deindustrialized America,” on the transformation of class identity and politics in the second half of the twentieth century.
name Paul Kirk-Davidoff
location Minneapolis MN US
name Steven Kite
location Fort Smith AR US
name Roland Klose
location Florissant MO US
name Thomas Klug
location Sterling Heights MI US
name Patricia Knol
affiliation Triton College
location River Grove IL US
name James Kollros
location Oak Lawn IL US
name Jeffrey Kolnick
location Saint Paul MN US
name Robert Korstad
location Chapel Hill NC US
name Jacob Kramer
location New York NY US
name Michael Kramer
location Rochester NY US
name Max Krochmal
affiliation University of New Orleans
blurb Max Krochmal, Ph.D., is Professor of U.S. History and the Czech Republic Endowed Professor and Director of Justice Studies at the University of New Orleans. He is the author/co-author of Blue Texas: The Making of a Multiracial Democratic Coalition in the Civil Rights Era (University of North Carolina), Civil Rights in Black and Brown: Histories of Resistance and Struggle in Texas (University of Texas), and Latinx Studies Curriculum in the K-12 Classroom (TCU 2022)
name Gregory L Williams
location Philadelphia PA US
name Jane Latour
location New York NY US
name Aldo Lauria Santiago
location New York NY US
name Bruce Laurie
location Pelham MA US
name Justin Law
location Auburn IL US
blurb Justin Law is a research historian working in Springfield, Illinois, who focuses on the legal history of working people and social movements in American history.
name Michael Law
location Athens GA US
name Sophia Lee
location Provincetown MA US
name Brian Leonard
location Worcester MA US
name John Lepley
location Pittsburgh PA US
name Anne Lessy
location Hastings On Hudson NY US
name Lisa Levenstein
location Chapel Hill NC US
name Susan Levine
location Washington DC US
name Jerry Levinsky
location Amherst MA US
name Anne Lewis
affiliation Ut-Austin
location Austin TX US
name Walter Licht
location Philadelphia PA US
name Alex Lichtenstein
location Bloomington IN US
name Nelson Lichtenstein
location Santa Barbara CA US
blurb Nelson Lichtenstein is a professor of history at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and director of the Center for the Study of Work, Labor and Democracy.
name Kevin Lindemann
location Winfield IL US
name Gwen Lockman
affiliation University of Texas at Austin
location Washington, DC
name Aimee Loiselle
affiliation History Department, Central Connecticut State University
location Springfield, MA
blurb Aimee Loiselle is assistant professor of history at CCSU. She studies the modern U.S. as a hub for transnational labor and capital with an interest in women workers, gender, race, and migration. Her research also explores how popular culture obscures global complexities. Her book Beyond Norma Rae: How Puerto Rican and Southern Women Fought for a Place in the American Working Class (UNC, 2023) examines women in the textile-garment industry and production of the 1979 movie.
name Timothy Lombardo
location Mobile AL US
name Fred Lonidier
location San Diego CA US
name Erik Loomis
location Kingston RI US
name Allison Louise Elias
location Charlottesville VA US
name Todd Lu
location Chapel Hill NC US
name Caroline Luce
location Los Angeles CA US
name Tom Lux
affiliation Pacific Northwest Labor History Association (PNLHA)
location Lake Forest Park WA US
name William Lyne
location Bellingham WA US
name Walter M Morris
location Lyndonville VT US
name Eric M. Fink
location Greensboro NC US
name Lisa M. Jackson
location San Francisco CA US
name Yiming Ma
location Goleta CA US
name Lisa Macfarlane
location Columbia MD US
name Willie Mack
location Brooklyn NY US
name Thomas Mackaman
location Wilkes Barre PA US
name Nancy MacLean
affiliation Duke Univ, History Department
location Durham NC US
blurb Nancy MacLean is currently Arts and Sciences Professor of History at Duke University, where she teaches courses on the United States since 1945 and American social movement and public policy history.
name Jay Malone
location Houston TX US
name Nikki Mandell
location Portland OR US
blurb Nikki Mandell is Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. She is the author of The Corporation as Family: The Gendering of Corporate Welfare, 1890-1030.
name Gordon Mantler
location Arlington VA US
name Gerald Markowitz
location New York NY US
name David Mac Marquis
affiliation University of South Carolina
location Columbia SC
blurb Mac is a professor of history at the University of South Carolina. He is also LAWCHA\'s Executive Assistant and regular host of LAWCHA\'s book talks. He has two books under contract: Books Through Bars: Stories from the Prison Books Movement (UGA Press: Spring 2024) and Solidarity in the Jim Crow Piney Woods: A Graphic History of The Brotherhood of Timber Workers, 1910-1916 (Historic New Orleans Collection). He works on the southern timber.
name Benoit Marsan
affiliation McGill University
location Montreal
blurb Benoit Marsan is an historian and postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Sociology at McGill University. He is also a lecturer at the Department of Industrial Relations at Université du Québec en Outaouais where he teaches Canadian and Québécois labour and working-class history. His current research focuses on wildcat strikes in Québec, Canada and the United States in the 1960s.
name Ms Martha Ecker
location Woodcliff Lake NJ US
name Christopher Martin
location Cedar Falls IA US
name Louis Martin
location Clinton PA US
name Miyako Martinez
location South Pasadena CA US
name Veronica Martinez-Matsuda
location Mentone CA US
name Vanessa May
location Maplewood NJ US
name Joseph A. McCartin
affiliation Prof. of History, Exec. Dir., Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor & the Working Poor, Georgetown University
location Washington, DC
blurb Joe McCartin is Professor of History and Executive Director of the Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor & the Working Poor at Georgetown University, where he has taught since 1999. His work focuses on the history of the labor movement and its interactions with politics, law, and the state in the period between the early 20th century and the present.
name Sharon McConnell-Sidorick
location Maple Shade NJ US
blurb Sharon McConnell-Sidorick is an independent scholar and the author of the forthcoming book Silk Stockings and Socialism: Philadelphia's Radical Hosiery Workers from the Jazz Age to the New Deal (University of North Carolina Press, 2017).
name Austin McCoy
location Auburn AL US
name Melody McGowan
location Burnaby BC CA
name James McGurty
location Brunswick ME US
name Stephen McIntyre
location Springfield MO US
name John McKerley
location Fairfield IA US
blurb John McKerley is the Oral Historian at the University of Iowa Labor Center and Adjunct Assistant Professor of History at the University of Iowa. His work has focused on the rise of public-sector unions, deindustrialization, and the growing diversity of the workforce and labor movement.
name Elizabeth McKillen
location Orono ME US
name Melanie Meadors
location Worcester MA US
name Michael Megery
location Olmsted Twp OH US
name Jorell Melendez-Badillo
location Verona WI US
name William Mello
location Chicago IL US
name Laurie Mercier
location Portland OR US
name Adam Mertz
location Pulaski WI US
name Jack Metzgar
affiliation Roosevelt University
location Chicago
blurb Jack Metzgar is a retired Professor of Humanities from Roosevelt University in Chicago. His research interests include labor politics, working-class voting patterns, working-class culture, and popular and political discourse about class. He is a former President of the Working-Class Studies Association, and author of "Striking Steel: Solidarity Remembered" (2000) and "Bridging the Divide: Working-Class Culture in a Middle-Class Society" (2021).
name Mia Michael
location Arlington MA US
affiliation Graduate Center and School of Labor and Urban Studies, CUNY
location New York, NY
blurb RUTH MILKMAN is a labor sociologist and Distinguished Professor at the City University of New York. Her most recent books are: IMMIGRANT LABOR AND THE NEW PRECARIAT and IMMIGRATION MATTERS (co-edited with Deepak Bhargava and Penny Lewis), and ON LABOR, GENDER AND INEQUALITY. She was the 2016 President of the American Sociological Association, where her presidential address focused on Millennial-generation social movements. For more details see
name Karen Miller
location Brooklyn NY US
name Matthew Miller
location Nutley NJ US
name Theodore Miller
location Tacoma WA US
name Louise Milone
location Athens GA US
name Sarah Milov
location Charlottesville VA US
name Shuhei Minami
location Kawasaki City, Kanagawa JP
name Paul Mishler
location South Bend IN US
name Justine Modica
affiliation Cornell University
location Ithaca, New York
blurb Justine Modica is a Klarman Postdoctoral Fellow at Cornell University. Her current book project examines the history of child care as a labor issue in the late twentieth century United States.
name Kim Moody
location London GB
name Bethany Moreton
location Hanover NH US
name Michelle Moyd
location Bloomington IN US
name Robyn Muncy
location Silver Spring MD US
blurb Robyn Muncy is Professor of History at the University of Maryland, College Park. She is author most recently of Relentless Reformer: Josephine Roche and Progressivism in Twentieth-Century America and is working on a history of the term "working class" in U.S. political culture.
name Ruth Murcia
location Albany NY US
name Priscilla Murolo Murolo
location Yonkers NY US
name Laura Murphy
location Poughkeepsie NY US
name Steve Murphy
affiliation Ibew Local 2323
location Cranston RI US
name Mark Myers
location Selma IN US
name David Nack
location Madison WI US
name Premilla Nadasen
location New York NY US
name James Naylor
location Brandon MB CA
name Alfonso Neal
location Turners Falls MA US
name Barbara Nelson
location Chicago IL US
blurb Associate Professor University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign School of Labor and Employment RelationsAffiliate Faculty, Gender in Global Perspectives Program and European Union Center, and Co-Director, Regina V. Polk Women's Labor Leadership Conference Author, Politics of the Pantry: Housewives, Food, and Consumer Protest in Twentieth Century America (Oxford University Press, 2017)
name Matt Nelson
location Mesa AZ US
name Matt Nichter
affiliation Rollins College
location Winter Park, FL
name Steven Nickollof
location Knoxville TN US
name Ingrid Nuttall
location Minneapolis MN US
name Joseph O'Connell
location Homewood IL US
name Robert O'Dell III
location Seekonk MA US
name Brigid O'Farrell
location Moss Beach CA US
name Jay O'Neal
location Charleston WV US
name Colleen O'Neill
affiliation Utah State University
location Logan UT US
name Dave Obringer
affiliation Edinboro University
location Fairview PA US
name Liesl Orenic
location Oak Park IL US
blurb Liesl Miller Orenic is Professor of history and the director of American studies at Dominican University. She is author of On the Ground: Labor Struggle in the American Airline Industry (2009).
name Terrell Orr
location Avon Park FL US
name Paul Ortiz
location Gainesville FL US
name Robert Parmet
location Great Neck NY US
name Elaine Parsons
location Pittsburgh PA US
name Joseph Parziale
location Chicago IL US
name Joseph Parziale
location Sunnyside NY US
name Mark Pascu
location Rockville MD US
name Zack Pattin
location Tacoma WA US
name Chad Pearson
location Denton TX US
name Chad Pearson
location Denton TX US
blurb Chad Pearson teaches history at University of North Texas. He is the author of Capital’s Terrorists: Anti-Labor Violence in the Long Nineteenth Century (2022) Reform or Repression: Organizing America’s Anti-Union Movement (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016) and is co-editor with Rosemary Feurer of Against Labor: How U.S. Employers Organized to Defeat Union Activism (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2017). book isl
name IbrahÍm PedriÑÁn
location Albany NY US
name Caleb Pennington
location Bradford PA US
name Stefany Perez Castro
location Napa CA US
name Robert Perrone
location Sacramento CA US
name Jeffrey Perry
location Westwood NJ US
name Gigi Peterson
location Cortland NY US
name Ryan Pettengill
location The Colony TX US
name Adrienne Petty
location Williamsburg VA US
name Christopher Phelps
affiliation University of Nottingham
location Upton, Newark GB
name Lisa Phillips
location Terre Haute IN US
blurb Lisa Philips is the author of A Renegade Union: Interracial Organizing and Labor Radicalism. She is working on history of labor relations at Disney and teaches at Indiana State University.
name Danielle Phillips-Cunningham
location Savannah TX US
name Kim Phillips-Fein
location New York NY US
name Liz Picone
location The Hills TX US
name Michael Pierce
location Fayetteville AR US
blurb Michael Pierce, associate professor at University of Arkansas, is working on a book project examining the rise and fall of New Deal-style liberalism in Arkansas. He is the author of Striking with the Ballot: Ohio Labor and the Populist Party
name Tamara Piety
location Tulsa OK US
name Elizabeth Pingree
location Bellingham WA US
name Steven Pitts
location Oakland CA US
name Sandy Poritzky
affiliation Audio Transcription Center
location Wakefield MA US
name Thomas Porter
location Philadelphia PA US
name Charles Post
location Brooklyn NY US
name Caroline Propersi-Grossman
location Haverhill MA US
name Nathan Raby
location Toney AL US
name Peter Rachleff
location Saint Paul MN US
name Jessie Ramey
location Pittsburgh PA US
name Jorge Ramirez-Lopez
location Lebanon NH US
name Salvador Rangel
location Swarthmore PA US
name Michael Reagan
location Seattle WA US
blurb Michael Reagan, Ph.D., is the author of the forthcoming Of Ourselves: Intersectional Class Struggle (AK Press, 2020), and adjunct faculty at the University of Washington and Seattle Central College.
name Toure Reed
affiliation Illinois State University
location Bloomington IL US
name Pat Reeve
location West Roxbury MA US
name Steven Reich
location Harrisonburg VA US
name Julia Reichert
affiliation Community Media Productions
location Yellow Springs OH US
name Thomas Reifer
location San Diego CA US
name Jacob Remes
location New York NY US
blurb Jacob is a clinical associate professor of history in the Gallatin School of Individualized Study at New York University. He is the author of Disaster Citizenship: Survivors, Solidarity, and Power in the Progressive Era (University of Illinois Press, 2016).
name Dominic Renfro
location Vancouver WA US
name Jason Resnikoff
location Groningen NL
name John Revitte
location East Lansing MI US
name Mary Reynolds
location New York NY US
name Chris Rhomberg
location New York NY US
name Scott Richardson
location Gloucester MA US
name Stephanie Riley
location Columbia SC US
blurb Stephanie M. Riley is a PhD student at the University of South Carolina studying the intersection of radical movements, print culture, and the Socialist Party during the Progressive Era. She is particularly interested in understudied members of the Socialist Party, especially Ben Hanford.
name Christian Ringdal
location Hamtramck MI US
name Catherine Rios
location Lemoyne PA US
name James Robinson
location Philadelphia PA US
name Seth Rockman
location Providence RI US
name Ian Rocksborough-Smith
location Abbotsford BC CA
name Thomas Rogers
location Decatur GA US
name Melissa Rohde-Cherullo
location Chicago IL US
name Jarod Roll
location New York NY US
name Charles Romney
affiliation University of Arkansas/little Rock
location Little Rock AR US
name Sarah Rose
location Fort Worth TX US
name Michael Rosenow
location Conway AR US
name Bob Rossi
location Oregon
blurb Bob Rossi is working on a social history of Colorado coal mining communities and an account of the 1927–28 Colorado mine workers’ strike. Rossi is a retired union organizer who had family members employed in coal mining. The project has grown to over 1000 pages and thee is much more to add. A significant amount of the work deals with the development of religion and spirituality in Colorado\'s mining and industrial regions from the 1880s to the early 1930s.
name Steve Rosswurm
location Waukegan IL US
name Evan Rothman
location Brooklyn NY US
name Leslie Rowland
affiliation University of Maryland
location College Park MD US
name Alyssa Kuchinski
affiliation Duke University
location Apex, NC
name Jason Russell
location London ON CA
name Francis Ryan
location Edison NJ US
name Eric S. Yellin
location Richmond VA US
name Richard Saich
location London GB
name Joshua Savala
location Winter Park FL US
name Jay Schaffner
location New York NY US
name Ralph Scharnau
location Dubuque IA US
name Ron Schatz
location Pittsburgh PA US
name Jack Schermerhorn
location Tempe AZ US
name Dennis Schlagheck
location Chicago IL US
name Saul Schniderman
location Takoma Park MD US
name Harvey Schwartz
affiliation ILWU Library
location El Cerrito CA US
blurb Harvey Schwartz is curator, ILWU Oral History Collection, ILWU library, San Francisco. His writings include The March Inland: Origins of the ILWU Warehouse Division, 1934-1938 (1978), Solidarity Stories: An Oral History of the ILWU (2009), Building the Golden Gate Bridge: A Workers’ Oral History (2015), and Labor Under Siege: Big Bob McEllrath and the ILWU\'s Fight for Organized Labor in an Anti-Union Era (2022). He holds a Ph.D. in history from UC Davis.
name Andrew Schweizer
location Media PA US
name Christopher Sellers
location East Northport NY US
name Christopher Shaw
location Berkeley CA US
name Timothy Sheard
affiliation Hard Ball Press
location Brooklyn NY US
name Melanie Sheehan
location Boston, MA
name Jon Shelton
location Green Bay WI US
blurb Jon Shelton is Assistant Professor of Democracy and Justice Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. He is at work on a book about the history of teacher unions, metropolitan education, and political change in the US in the 1970s.
name Jon Shelton
affiliation UW-Green Bay
location Green Bay, WI
blurb Jon Shelton is Associate Professor of Democracy and Justice Studies and Vice-President of Higher Education for AFT-Wisconsin. He is the author of Teacher Strike! Public Education and the Making of a New American Political Order (2017) and the forthcoming book, The Education Myth: How Human Capital Trumped Social Democracy (2023). He is a LAWCHA board member.
name Jennifer Sherer
location Iowa City IA US
name Eshe Sherley
location Atlanta GA US
name Elizabeth Shermer
location Chicago IL US
name Naoko Shibusawa
affiliation Brown University
location Cranston RI US
name Bill Shields
location San Francisco CA US
name Laurence Shute
location Callicoon Center NY US
name Dan Sidorick
affiliation Rutgers University
location New Jersey
blurb Dan Sidorick teaches labor history at Rutgers University. He is the author of Condensed Capitalism: Campbell Soup and the Pursuit of Cheap Production in the Twentieth Century, published by Cornell University Press and awarded the Richard P. McCormick Prize by the New Jersey Historical Commission and the Author's Award of the New Jersey Studies Academic Alliance. He is also a member of the Executive Board of the Rutgers Adjunct Union.
name Jurg Siegenthaler
location Silver Spring MD US
name Maia Silber
location New Haven CT US
name Victor Silverman
location Oakland CA US
name Matthew Simmons
affiliation University of Florida
location Commerce GA US
name Al Simon
location Northampton MA US
name William Simson
location Tucker GA US
name Elizabeth Sine
location Pismo Beach CA US
name Joseph Slater
location Toledo OH US
name Mike Slott
location Montclair NJ US
name Julia Smith
affiliation University of Manitoba
location Winnipeg MB CA
blurb Julia Smith is an assistant professor in the Labour Studies Program at the University of Manitoba. Her research and teaching focus on the political economy of work and labour relations in North America and the history and politics of women’s labour activism. She is also a member of the Graphic History Collective.
name Michael Snodgrass
location Indianapolis IN US
name Henry Snow
location Strafford NH US
name Mark Soderstrom
location Syracuse NY US
name Yvonne Sohn
location Davis CA US
name Benjamin Sorensen
location Leland NC US
name Alexa Sparks
location Florence AL US
name Benjamin St Angelo
location Dublin OH US
name Matthew Stanley
location Fayetteville AR US
name Jeanne Stellman
location Brooklyn NY US
name Alexander Stephens
location Athens GA US
name Deanne Stephens, Phd
location Biloxi MS US
name Gary Stevenson
location Miami Beach FL US
name Nadine Stewart
location New York NY US
name Jeffrey Stilley
location Blacksburg VA US
name Kristine Stilwell
location Flowery Branch GA US
name John Stobo
location New York NY US
name John Stoner
location Pittsburgh PA US
name Randi Storch
location Cortland NY US
blurb Randi Storch is a professor of history at the State University of New York, in Cortland. She received her PhD in 1998 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
name Landon Storrs
affiliation University of Iowa
location Iowa City IA US
name Shelton Stromquist
location Iowa City IA US
blurb Shelton Stromquist is Professor of History University of Iowa and past President of LAWCHA. He is the author of Reinventing "the People": The Progressive Movement, the Class Problem and the Origins of Modern Liberalism and numerous other works.
name Scott Sullivan
location Bardonia NY US
name Marian Swerdlow
location New York NY US
name Kirsten Swinth
location New York NY US
name Robert T. Chase
location Stony Brook NY US
name Phillip Tabbita
location Phoenix AZ US
name Clark Taber
location Tokyo JP
name Alex Tabor
location West Mifflin PA US
name Donald Taylor
location Sun Prairie WI US
name Orion Teal
location San Diego CA US
name Christopher Thale
location Evanston IL US
name Kwelina Thompson
location Ithaca NY US
name Antonio Tovar
location Annandale VA US
name Paul Trujillo
location Yorktown VA US
name John Trumpbour
location Brighton MA US
name Michael Tuggle
location Dublin IN US
name Michelle Turk
location Las Vegas NV US
name Linda Upham-Bornstein
location Lancaster NH US
name Lara Vapnek
location Brooklyn NY US
blurb Lara Vapnek is Professor of History at St. John's University. Her books include Elizabeth Gurley Flynn: Modern American Revolutionary, and Breadwinners: Working Women and Economic Independence, 1865-1920.
name Beth Vernaci
location Washington DC US
name Jean-Christian Vinel
location Samois Sur Seine FR
name Joseph W. Sullivan
affiliation Rhode Island labor history society
location Martinsburg WV US
blurb Retired adjunct professor Community College of RI and Northern Virginia Community College.
name Caroline Waldron
location Oakwood OH US
name Cristian Walk
location Hillsborough NC US
name Robin Walker
affiliation International Longshore and Warehouse Union Library
location San Francisco CA US
blurb Robin Walker is the Education Director, Librarian and Archivist for the International Longshore and Warehouse Union based in San Francisco. Her work includes exhibit curation, curriculum development for the union’s member education programs, and records management consultation for union locals. She holds an M.A. in Museum Studies from San Francisco State University.
name Marcia Walker-McWilliams
location Portage IN US
name Daniel Walkowitz
location New York NY US
name John Walsh
location Alexandria VA US
name Samuel Watson
location Highland Falls NY US
name Janet Weaver
location Iowa City IA US
blurb Janet Weaver is curator of the Iowa Women’s Archives at the University of Iowa Libraries, author of articles on Chicana activism in Iowa, and principal coordinator of the Migration is Beautiful website.
name Mattie Webb
location Goleta CA US
name Devra Weber
location Los Angeles CA US
name Klaus Weinhauer
location Bad Zwischenahn DE
name Jordan Weinstock
affiliation New York University
location Brooklyn, NY
blurb Jordan Weinstock (they / them) is an MA student at New York University, studying gender\'s role in legitimizing violent labor conflict.
name Richard Wells
location Brooklyn NY US
blurb RICHARD WELLS is an associate professor of labor studies at the Harry Van Arsdale Jr. School of Labor Studies, Empire State College/SUNY. He writes about labor and the political economy of culture and the politics and practice of popular/worker education.
name Thurman Wenzl
location Covington KY US
name Carmen Whalen
location Williamstown MA US
name Marcus Widenor
location Eugene OR US
name Ann Wiederrecht
location Kernville CA US
name Alan Wierdak
location Rockville MD US
name Seth Wigderson
location Winnipeg MB CA
name Jessica Wilkerson
location Morgantown WV US
name Danielle Willcutt
location Lansing MI US
name James Williams
location Tacoma WA US
name Francille Wilson
affiliation University of Southern California
location Los Angeles CA US
name Lane Windham
location Takoma Park MD US
name Bryan Winston
location Lebanon NH US
name David Witwer
affiliation Penn State Harrisburg
location Wormleysburg PA US
name Robert Wolensky
location Stevens Point WI US
name Jacob Wolff
location Philadelphia PA US
name James Wolfinger
location Normal IL US
name James Woodall
location Durham NC US
name Robert H. Woodrum
affiliation Perimeter College of Georgia State University
location Decatur/Clarkston, Georgia
name James Wrenn
location Tarboro NC US
name Carter Wright
location Louisville KY US
name James Young
location Harrisburg PA US
name Glennys Young
location Seattle WA US
name Jeremy B. Zallen
location Easton PA US
name Amy Zanoni
location Livingston MT US
name Amy Zanoni
location Livingston MT US
name Charles Zappia
affiliation San Diego Mesa College
location San Diego CA US
name Ben Zdencanovic
location New Haven CT US
name Robert Zecker
affiliation Saint Francis Xavier University
location Saint Andrews NS CA
name Itzenith Zielinski
location Toledo OH US
name Kenyon Zimmer
affiliation University of Texas at Arlington
location Dallas TX US
blurb Kenyon Zimmer is an Associate Professor of History at the University of Texas at Arlington. His research focuses on transnational migration, labor, and radicalism, with a particular emphasis on the history of anarchism and syndicalism. He is the author of the book Immigrants Against the State: Yiddish and Italian Anarchism in America (2015) and is currently writing a book about the deportees of America's First Red Scare.
name Karin Zipf
affiliation East Carolina University
location Greenville NC US
name David Zonderman
affiliation History Department--NC State
location Raleigh NC US
blurb David A. Zonderman is an Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor in the History Department at North Carolina State University (NCSU). He is the author of two books--Aspirations and Anxieties: New England Workers and the Mechanized Factory System, 1815-1850 (Oxford University Press); and Uneasy Allies: Working For Labor Reform in Nineteenth-Century Boston (University of Massachusetts Press). He is currently working on another book about workers and the Civil War.
name Jacob Zumoff
affiliation Njcu History Department
location New York NY US