Officers & Board Members


Joseph A. McCartin, Georgetown University


Vice President

Eileen Boris, University of California at Santa Barbara


Erik Gellman, University of North Carolina


Liesl Miller Orenic, Dominican University

Executive Assistant

Patrick Dixon, Georgetown University

Immediate Past President

Cindy Hahamovitch, University of Georgia

Board of Directors

Term Ends: March, 2025

Janine Giordano Drake, Indiana University Bloomington 
Danielle Phillips-Cunningham, Texas Woman’s University
Kim Phillips-Fein, New York University
Aldo A. Lauria Santiago, Rutgers University
Colleen Woods, University of Maryland

Term Ends: March, 2026

Natanya Duncan, Director of Africana Studies and Associate Professor of History, Queens College, CUNY
Crystal M. Moten, Curator of Collections and Exhibitions, Obama Presidential Center Museum
David “Mac” Marquis, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of South Carolina
Verónica Martinez-Matsuda, University of California, San Diego
Samir Sonti, CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies.

Term Ends: March, 2027

Jane Berger, Moravian University
Keona K. Ervin, Bowdoin
Aimee Loiselle, Central Connecticut State University
Gordon Mantler, George Washinton University
Joel Suarez, Harvard University


Book Talk Committee

The Book Talk Committee was formed during the pandemic to help scholars promote their recent publication. We hold monthly book talks via Zoom during the academic year. Recently published authors discuss their work and then we open the floor for Q&A. Registration is required, but these talks are always free and open to the public.


  • Bryant Barnes, University of Georgia
  • Faith Bennett, University of California – Davis
  • Eileen Boris, University of California – Santa Barbara
  • Alexandra Finley, University of Pittsburgh
  • Dave “Mac” Marquis, University of South Carolina
  • Veronica Martinez-Matsuda, University of San Diego
  • Jorell Meléndez-Badillo, University of Wisconsin – Madison
  • Adrienne Petty, William & Mary
Committee on Contingent Faculty, Community College Faculty, and Independent Scholars (CCI)

This joint committee focuses on strengthening the collective voices of practitioners of labor history who are not represented in traditional 4-year universities and colleges. The committee’s work is especially focused on paths to more fully integrate the scholarly and teaching contributions of contingent and community college faculty and independent scholars into LAWCHA and the history profession. The committee also encourages organizational support for advocacy campaigns to improve the working conditions for contingent and community college faculty.


  • Aimee Loiselle (Chair), Central Connecticut State University
  • Claire Goldstene
  • Steve Beda, University of Oregon
  • Lauren Braun-Strumfels, Cedar Crest College
  • Eric Fure-Slocum, St. Olaf College
  • Janine Giordano Drake, Indiana University
  • Trevor Griffey, UC system
  • Joseph Hower, Southwestern University
  • Ruth Needleman, Indiana University, emerita
  • Paul Ortiz, University of Florida
  • Linda Upham-Bornstein, Plymouth State University and Center for Rural Partnerships
  • Naomi Williams, Rutgers University
  • Jennie Woodard, University of Maine
  • James Young
Communications Committee

The Communications Committee helps connect labor historians to the broader world of public debate. We field press and media inquiries, talk to reporters and journalists, help LAWCHA members reach out to the media, and draft press releases and public statements for the organization.


  • Kimberly Phillips-Fein, Columbia (chair)
  • Eladio Bobadilla, University of Pittsburgh
  • Steve Brier, CUNY (emeritus)
  • Max Fraser, University of Miami
  • Sarah McNamara, Texas A&M
  • John McKerley, University of Iowa (Center for Human Rights)
  • Ian Rocksborough-Smith, University of the Fraser Valley
  • Jermaine Thibodeaux, University of Oklahoma-Norman
  • Mary Anne Trasciatti, Hofstra
  • Lara Vapnek, St John’s University
  • Gabe Winant, University of Chicago
  • Lane Windham, Georgetown (Kalmanowitz Center)
  • David Zonderman, North Carolina State University
Election Committee

The Elections Committee convenes to organize LAWCHA elections for the Board and leadership positions. It arranges the election, making sure that all votes are counted and that Russia doesn’t hack the voting machines.


  • Lisa Phillips (Chair), Indiana State University
  • Justin F. Jackson, Bard College-Simon’s Rock
Fundraising Committee

LAWCHA’s Endowment Fund Committee seeks to raise an endowment of $750,000 so that LAWCHA will be able to continue and expand its work of promoting public and scholarly awareness of labor and working-class history through research, writing, and organizing. New members willing to help fundraise are always welcome.


  • Kimberley Boehm (co-chair), Dominican University
  • Liesl Orenic (co-chair), Dominican University
  • William Jones, University of Minnesota
  • Joseph McCartin, Georgetown University
  • Nancy MacLean, Duke University
  • Julie Greene, University of Maryland at College Park
Global Affairs Committee

The global affairs committee seeks to maintain and build LAWCHA’s connection to labor historians, conferences, and labor organizations outside of the U.S. We inform LAWCHA’s membership of upcoming relevant international conferences and seek to organize and/or sponsor LAWCHA panels at conferences outside of the U.S.


  • Justin Jackson (Chair), Bard College at Simon’s Rock
  • Lorenzo Costaguta, University of Bristol
  • Ellis E Garey, New York University
  • Joel Suarez, Harvard University
  • Jennifer Luff, Johns Hopkins University
  • William Riddell, University of Toronto
Graduate Student Affairs Committee

The Graduate Student Affairs Committee was created in the summer of 2021 to support and address the needs of LAWCHA’s graduate student members. Along with its academic initiatives, which include hosting a virtual dissertation proposal workshop and selecting the winner of the annual Alice Kessler-Harris Dissertation Prospectus Award, the Committee also encourages graduate student worker unionization efforts through sessions held at LAWCHA’s biennial conference.


  • Joel Suarez (Chair), Harvard University
  • Sergio González, Marquette University
  • Margot Canaday, Princeton University
  • Shennette Garrett-Scott, University of Mississippi
  • Erik Gellman, University of North Carolina
  • Jon Shelton, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
  • Jermaine Thibodeaux, University of Oklahoma
  • David Zonderman, North Carolina State University
  • Jesse Halverson
Newsletter Committee

LAWCHA’s newsletter lands in members’ mailboxes every winter. Committee members help to gather stories, conduct the occasional interview, and copy edit. Layout is done by a person with actual skills.


  • Jane Berger, Moravian University
  • Michael Hilliard, University of South Maine
  • Colleen Woods, University of Maryland
Nominations Committee

The Nominations committee encourages nominations for open leadership and board positions and creates the diverse slate of candidates for whom members vote.


  • Cindy Hahamovitch (Chair), University of Georgia
  • Liz Cohen, Harvard University
  • Sarah Stanford-Mcintyre, University of Colorado-Boulder
  • Tom Alter, Texas State University
  • Angela Vergara, California State University, Los Angeles
  • Peter Cole, Western Illinois University
  • Holly Brewer, University of Maryland
Program Committee

The Program Committee works to elevate LAWCHA’s presence among scholars and activists both nationally and regionally. Among its activities are: ensuring LAWCHA’s presence at and connection to conferences of regional labor history organizations; developing panels for inclusion in the programs of conferences such as the Organization of American Historians (OAH); working with the program committees of a range of academic conferences including the OAH, the American Historical Association, and other associations to sponsor panels on labor and working-class history at their conferences; organizing occasional on-line programs of interest to LAWCHA members and a broader audience of scholars and activists.


  • Eileen Boris (chair), University of California at Santa Barbara
  • Dana M. Caldemeyer, University of Kentucky
  • Jenny Carson, Toronto Metropolitan University
  • Dwjuan Frazier, University of Minnesota
  • Toni Gilpin, Independent Scholar
  • Max Grivno, University of Southern Mississippi
  • Joshua Hollands, Elon University
  • Sarah McNamara, Texas A&M University
  • Terrell James Orr, University of Georgia
  • Jermaine Thibodeaux, University of Oklahoma-Norman
  • Adrienne Petty, William & Mary
  • Robert Hutchins Woodrum, Georgia State University
Teaching Resources Committee

The committee’s purpose is to promote labor and working-class history in schools, community colleges, colleges, universities, and unions. The committee sponsors LAWCHA’s toolkit of open access teaching resources, and offers workshops on developing and using these resources.


  • Nikki Mandell (chair), University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
  • Cecelia Bucki, Fairfield University
  • Janine Giordano Drake, Indiana University
  • Rosemary Feurer, Northern Illinois University
  • Nick Juravich, University of Massachusetts, Boston
  • Matthew Holm, Batavia High School
  • Jon Shelton, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
  • Joel Sipress, University of Wisconsin-Superior
  • Randi Storch, SUNY Cortland
Working Group for an Earlier Labor History

This working group exists to promote the study of the pre-1900 period within labor history. It hopes to encourage scholars of early America and the pre-20th century world to see LAWCHA as one of their scholarly homes. It also hopes to encourage current members of the organization to once again embrace early America as a useful period of inquiry and to create panels on these topics at the annual conference.


  • Erik Loomis (chair), University of Rhode Island
  • Dana Caldemeyer, Alabama A&M University
  • Thavolia Glymph, Duke University
  • Marjoleine Kars, University of Maryland-Baltimore County
  • Simon Middleton, College of William & Mary
  • Seth Rockman, Brown University
  • Stacey Smith, Oregon State University
  • Lara Vapnek, St. John’s University

Grants, Prizes & Awards Committees

Biannual Best Article in Labor: Studies in Working-Class History Prize2022: Jason Resnikoff, “The Paradox of Automation: QWERTY and the Neuter Keyboard” (18:4 Dec. 2021)
Conference Travel Grants(update coming soon)
Distinguished Service Award(update coming soon)
Herbert G. Gutman Prize for Outstanding Dissertation


  • James Barrett (chair), University of Illinois – Urbana
  • James Benton, Georgetown University
  • Sarah McNamara, Texas A&M University
Alice Kesslar-Harris Dissertation Prospectus Award

2023 Co-winners: Daniel Morales-Armstrong, “The Promise of Freedom Unfulfilled: Post-Emancipation Labor Conflict in Puerto Rico and Its Impact on the Late Nineteenth-Century Abolition (1873-1888),” University of Pennsylvania; Maia Silber, “A Day’s Work: Casual Employment in Modern America,” Princeton University

LAWCHA Dissertation Proposal Workshop(update coming soon)
LAWCHA/LABOR Research Grant for Independent scholars, contingent faculty, or community college faculty(update coming soon)
David Montgomery Prize Committee


  • Paul Ortiz (chair), University of Florida
  • John Enyeart, Bucknell University
  • Stacey Smith, Oregon State University
Philip Taft Labor History Book Award


  • Ileen Devault (chair), Cornell University
  • Verónica Martínez-Matsuda, University of California, San Diego
  • Kimberley Phillips-Boehm, Independent Scholar
  • Paul Ortiz, University of Florida
  • Dennis Deslippe, Franklin & Marshall College.

Past LAWCHA Presidents

  • Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Joe W. Trotter, Jr., Carnegie Mellon University
  • James Green, University of Massachusetts, Boston
  • Alice Kessler-Harris, Columbia University
  • Michael Honey, University of Washington, Tacoma
  • Kimberley Phillips, Brooklyn College – CUNY
  • Shelton Stromquist, University of Iowa
  • Nancy MacLean, Duke University
  • James Gregory, University of Washington
  • Julie Greene, University of Maryland at College Park
  • William P. Jones, University of Minnesota
  • Cindy Hahamovitch, University of Georgia

Past LAWCHA Officers

  • Thomas Klug, Marygrove College
  • Cecelia Bucki, Fairfield University

Past Board Members

Terms ending October 2000

  • Robert Zieger, University of Florida, Gainsville
  • Nelson Lichtenstein, University of Virginia, Charlottesville
  • Ira Berlin, University of Maryland
  • Lizabeth Cohen, Harvard University
  • Stan Rosen
  • A. Yvette Huginnie, UC-Santa Cruz

Terms ending October 2001

  • Carolyn Brown, Rutgers University
  • Evelyn Nakano-Glenn, UC-Berkeley
  • Julie Greene, University of Colorado
  • Grace Palladino, Samuel Gompers Papers
  • Daniel Katz, Rutgers University
  • Shelton Stromquist, University of Iowa

Terms ending October 2002

  • Elizabeth Faue, Wayne State University
  • Tera Hunter, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Leon Fink, University of North Carolina
  • Jeremy Mouat, Athabasca University
  • Camille Guerin-Gonzales, University of Colorado
  • Julie Saville, U of Chicago

Terms ending October 2003

  • James Barrett, University of Illinois, Urbana
  • Patricia Cooper, University of Kentucky
  • Cecilia Danysk, Western Washington University
  • Venus Green, City College, CUNY
  • Michael Honey, University of Washington, Tacoma
  • R. David Myers, New Mexico State University

Terms ending October 2004

  • Jefferson Cowie, Cornell University
  • Elizabeth Esch, New York University
  • Dana Frank, UC-Santa Cruz
  • Matt Garcia, University of Oregon
  • Dave Riehle, United Transportation Union Local 650
  • Carmen Theresa Whalen, Williams College

Terms ending October 2005

  • Kevin Boyle, Ohio State University
  • Nancy Gabin, Purdue University
  • Cindy Hahamovitch, College of William & Mary
  • Sherry Linkon, Youngstown State University
  • Will Jones, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
  • Heather Thompson, University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Terms ending October 2006

  • Julie Greene, University of Colorado, Bolder
  • Elizabeth Jameson, University of Calgary
  • Laurie Mercier, Washington State University, Vancouver
  • Jeffrey Perry, Postal Mail Handlers Local 300
  • Zaragosa Vargas, UC-Santa Barbara
  • Laurie Wermter, Wisconsin Labor History Society

Terms ending October 2007

  • Rick Halpern, University of Toronto
  • Michael Merrill, Empire State College
  • Ruth Needleman, Indiana University
  • Liesl Orenic, Dominican University
  • Paul Ortiz, UC-Santa Cruz
  • Francille Rusan Wilson, University of Maryland

Terms ending October 2008

  • Peter Rachleff, Macalester College
  • Kimberley Phillips, College of William & Mary
  • Robert Korstad, Duke University
  • Camille Guerin-Gonzales, University of Wisconsin
  • Ileen Devault, Cornell University of
  • Mary Nash, Carnegie Mellon University

Terms ending March 2010

  • Shelton Stromquist, University of Iowa
  • Lisa Kannenberg, College of Saint Rose
  • Doroty Fujita-Rony, UC-Irvine
  • Devra Weber, UC-Riverside
  • Steven High, Concordia University
  • Kitty Kuprat, Queens College, CUNY

Terms ending March 2011

  • Nancy MacLean, Northwestern University
  • Annelise Orleck, Dartmouth College
  • Gilbert Gonzalez, UC-Irvine
  • Steve Meyer, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
  • Colleen O’Neill, Utah State University

Terms ending March 2012

  • Randi Storch, SUNY, Cortland
  • Moon-Ho Jung, University of Washington, Seattle
  • Laurie Green, University of Texas, Austin
  • Franca Iacovetta, U Toronto
  • Lionel Kimble, Jr., Chicago State University

Terms ending March 2013

  • Erik Gellman, Roosevelt University
  • Thavolia Glymph, Duke University
  • Ruth Milkman, CUNY
  • Joan Sangster, Trent University
  • Emilio Zamora, University of Texas, Austin

Terms ending March 2014

  • Francisco Barbosa, University of Colorado, Boulder
  • Eileen Boris, University of California-Santa Barbara
  • Brian Kelly, Queens University, Belfast
  • Clarence Lang, University of Illinois, Urbana
  • Priscilla Murolo, Sarah Lawrence

Terms ending March 2015

  • William Jones, University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • Jennifer Klein, Yale University
  • Jana Lipman, Tulane University
  • Monica Perales, University of of Houston
  • Heather Thompson, Temple University

Term ended March 2016

  • Bob Bussel, University of Oregon
  • Elizabeth Escobedo, University of Denver
  • Dorothy Fujita-Rony, University of California-Irvine
  • Tera Hunter, Princeton University
  • Joseph A. McCartin, Georgetown University

Term ended March 2017

  • Lilia Fernandez, Ohio State University
  • Ken Fones-Wolf, West Virginia University
  • Max Krochmal, Texas Christian University
  • Talitha LeFlouria, Florida Atlantic University
  • Naomi Williams, University of Wisconsin–Madison

Term ended March 2018

  • Michael Innis-Jiménez, University of Alabama
  • LaShawn Harris, Michigan State University
  • Jennifer Sherer, University of Iowa
  • Nikki Mandell, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
  • Frank Tobias (Toby) Higbie, University of California-Los Angeles

Term ended March 2019

  • Colin J. Davis, University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • Keona K. Ervin, University of Missouri
  • Sonia Hernandez, Texas A&M
  • Emily E. LB. Twarog, University of Illinois or Urbana-Champaign
  • Lane Windham, Georgetown University

Term ended March 2020

  • Tula Connell, Solidarity Center
  • Matt Garcia, Arizona State University
  • Rashauna Johnson, Dartmouth University
  • Jacob Remes, New York University
  • Marc S. Rodriguez, Portland State University

Term ended March 2021

  • Anne Balay, Haverford College
  • Robyn Muncy, University Maryland
  • Lisa A. Phillips, Indiana State University
  • Priyanka Srivastava, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • Jessie Wilkerson, University of Mississippi

Term Ends: March, 2022

  • Emma Amador, University of Connecticut
  • Greta de Jong, University of Nevada-Reno
  • Eric Fure-Slocum, St. Olaf College
  • Sophia Lee, University of Pennsylvania Law School
  • Touré F. Reed, Illinois State University

Term Ends: March, 2023

  • Claire Goldstene, Independent Scholar
  • Manu Karuka, Barnard College
  • Paul Ortiz, University of Florida
  • Shennette Garrett-Scott, Texas A & M
  • David Zonderman, NC State University