

Featured Blogs

Chad Pearson’s review follows a series of recent posts from Labor Online that reflect on and feature the work of contributors to Contingent Faculty and the Remaking of Higher Education: A Labor History (2024) edited by Eric Fure-Slocum and Claire Goldstene.

Labor: Studies in Working Class History
The official journal for the Labor and Working-Class History Association (LAWCHA)

Volume 20, Issue 3, September 1, 2023
See the latest issue


LaborOnline features commentary on a host of issues, contemporary and historical.

Contribute content

To contribute stories, propose topics, or reach the editor for other reasons, contact Rosemary Feurer ( For the public history series, Marked, Unmarked, Remembered, contact Alex Lichtenstein,

Editorial Team for Labor Online

  • John Enyeart
  • Alex Lichtenstein
  • Emily La Barbera Twarog
  • Chad Pearson
  • Lisa Phillips
  • Ian Rocksborough-Smith
  •  Randi Storch
  • Naomi R Williams
  • Augustus Wood

LaborOnline features commentary on a host of issues, contemporary and historical. To contribute stories, propose topics, or reach the editor for other reasons, contact Rosemary Feurer (

For information about our prize-winning journal or to contribute, visit LABOR: Studies in Working-Class History.