Contingent Faculty Committee Blog
Contingent Faculty Committee Blog LaborOnline

Chad Pearson’s review of Eric Fure-Slocum and Claire Goldstene’s Contingent Faculty and the Remaking of Higher Education: A Labor History

Chad Pearson’s review follows a series of recent posts from Labor Online that reflect on and feature the work of contributors to Contingent.

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Contingent Faculty Committee Blog

Contingent Magazine: History Is For Everyone

As an editor for Contingent Magazine, I love receiving a great pitch and thinking, “I want this.” Or when the editorial team—Erin Bartram,.

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Contingent Faculty Committee Blog

Learn more about the effect of the pandemic on contingent faculty

The LAWCHA Contingent Faculty Committee recommends these resources to learn more about the effect of the pandemic on contingent faculty: Claire Goldstene

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Contingent Faculty Committee Blog

Budget Activism: A Strategy To Address Contingency—and Tenure

For decades, austerity and financialization have impacted labor on public and private campuses.  When administrators and boards structure budgets to enforce top-down fiscal “discipline,”.

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Contingent Faculty Committee Blog

A New Deal For Higher Education–Campaign Kickoff February 10

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the long-standing crisis in higher education. Declining state support, the increased use of contingent appointments, the loss of.

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Contingent Faculty Committee Blog Events Opportunity

OAH 2020 – Contingent Faculty Workshop, Reduced Registration Fee, and Travel Grants

Contingent faculty are encouraged to attend a workshop – “Non-Tenure Track Faculty on Teaching” – on April 2, 2020, 6-9pm, at the Organization.

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Contingent Faculty Committee Blog

A Dirty Deal: Social Dirt and the Adjunct Predicament

Although I’ve taught at the same university continuously since 2007, I’m still considered “temporary” faculty: a kind of intellectual migrant, shifting every year.

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Contingent Faculty Committee Blog

Supporting UK University Lecturers on Strike

Steven Parfitt, who spoke at LAWCHA’s Seattle conference, asks LAWCHA members to support the ongoing lecturers’ strike in the UK by contributing to.

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Activism Contingent Faculty Committee Blog Teaching Blog

Lecturers on Strike

University lecturers in the UK will walk off tomorrow in the largest-ever strike called in British higher education. Eric Fure-Slocum

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Contingent Faculty Committee Blog

Building Job Security into Community College Faculty Work:  Experiences in British Columbia

In the Canadian province of British Columbia, aspects of how unionized faculty in community colleges have attempted to deal with faculty contingency since.

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