Contingent Faculty Committee Blog
Activism Contingent Faculty Committee Blog LAWCHA

LAWCHA Statement on Collective Bargaining for All Faculty

The Labor and Working Class History Association (LAWCHA) applauds and endorses the Organization of American Historians (OAH) “Statement on Collective Bargaining and Part-Time,.

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Contingent Faculty Committee Blog

Unionization and Collective bargaining in higher education – Newsletter from Hunter College center, November, 2016

Here’s the November installment of The National Center E-Note, a monthly electronic newsletter containing research and analysis relevant to unionization and collective bargaining.

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Contingent Faculty Committee Blog

Unionization and Collective bargaining in higher education – Newsletter from Hunter College center, October, 2016

The National Center E-Note is a monthly electronic newsletter containing research and analysis relevant to unionization and collective bargaining in higher education and.

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Contingent Faculty Committee Blog

Contingent Academic Labor, Special Issue of Working USA

The September 2015 special issue of Working USA is dedicated to “Contingent Academic Labor: The Way Forward.” All of the articles in the.

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Contingent Faculty Committee Blog

Claire Goldstene, “The Politics of Contingent Academic Labor”

Claire Goldstene’s 2012 article, “The Politics of Contingent Academic Labor,” in the NEA journal Thought & Action, argues that the shift to a.

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Contingent Faculty Committee Blog OpEd

Michael McCown, “How Community-College Faculty Organized a Strike and Scored a Contract,” Portside (September 7, 2016)

For the first time in its 40-year history, the union of full- and part-time faculty at City College of San Francisco recently went.

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Contingent Faculty Committee Blog

When Unfair Labor Relations Reify, It’s Time to Strike

What an irony it is that institutions of higher learning have become some of the worst exploiters of workers in America. Those of.

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Contingent Faculty Committee Blog Teaching Blog

Decline of Tenure for Higher Education Faculty: An Introduction

For most college and university instructors in the United States today, teaching provides neither the job security nor income typically associated with middle.

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Contingent Faculty Committee Blog LAWCHA

It is About Time: LAWCHA’s Committee on Contingent Faculty

This blog introduces LAWCHA’s newest and most important initiative. Last year, with encouragement from past president Nancy MacLean, an ad hoc committee drafted.

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Contingent Faculty Committee Blog

Recommendations made by LAWCHA’s contingent faculty committee

In March of 2015, LAWCHA’s recently formed ad hoc committee on contingent faculty issued its first report and set of recommendations. This was.

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