Film & Video LaborOnline

Witness to Revolution: Film about Anna Louise Strong Still Gives Insight

One hundred years ago, revolutionary potential was exciting the sensibilities of radicals and counter-revolutionists across the country. In February 1919, the passions and.

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LAWCHA 2019: Contingent Faculty, Independent Scholars, and LAWCHA

Tula Connell, chair of LAWCHA’s Independent Scholars Committee and Claire Goldstene, chair of the Contingent Faculty Committee organized a Saturday lunch plenary at.

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Wobblies Repressed as  (almost) None Others

Paul Buhle’s review of Dean A. Strang, Keep the Wretches In Order: America’s Biggest Mass Trial, the Rise of the Justice Department and.

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Teaching Labor’s Story: A Mission and a Workshop #LAWCHA19

Ed: This is one of a series of conference notes from the recent LAWCHA conference. If you have reflections from one of the.

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Representations of Workers , Unions, and Labor Conflict in 1950s America: #LAWCHA19

Ed: This is one of a series of conference notes from the recent LAWCHA conference. If you have reflections from one of the.

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The Dos and Don’ts of Staying at a Hotel, or Why the Green Program is BS #LAWCHA19

Ed: This is one of a series of conference notes from the recent LAWCHA conference. If you have reflections from one of the.

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Social Reproduction as a Category for Labor History #LAWCHA19

Ed: This is one of a series of conference notes from the recent LAWCHA conference. If you have reflections from one of the.

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Talking for Justice! Maria Mareno/Migrant Women’s Activism #LAWCHA19

Ed: This is one of a series of conference notes from the recent LAWCHA conference. If you have reflections from one of the.

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Labor Histories of Disaster Panel at #LAWCHA2019

 Ed: This is one of a series of conference notes from the recent LAWCHA conference. If you have reflections from one of the.

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Treasure Island on the English Channel: Three Years After Brexit

(June 24 marked the anniversary of Brexit. Patrick Dixon, managing editor for Labor,  wittily remembers the moment, and wonders about the ongoing train-wreck.).

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