LAWCHA Statement on Racist Violence and Solidarity in Working-Class History
The Labor and Working-Class History Association condemns the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and all victims of racist police brutality,.
The Labor and Working-Class History Association condemns the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and all victims of racist police brutality,.
National Stayaway day resistance will involve protests at airports and other federal facilities and a call to federal workers to stay away from.
The University of Iowa Labor Center is under attack. LAWCHA has mobilized to support the fight to keep it open. Jacob
The fight to reinstate contingent faculty activist Georgette Fleischer continues. Fleischer was let go after 17 years of teaching and service at Barnard.
Last September, Georgette Fleischer, one of the leaders of a long fight to organize contingent faculty at Barnard College, wrote an article for.
Yale continues to evade its legal responsibility to bargain with the legally certified union representing graduate teachers at Yale. Since April 25, the.
The strike date is October 19. It has been 430 days without a contract (as of 10/12/16). Some negotiations will take place beginning. Rosemary FeurerRosemary Feurer is Professor of History at Northern Illinois University. She is the author of Radical Unionism in the Midwest, 1900-1950,.
Watsonville community members support the boycott against Driscoll’s, the world famous berry company headquartered in their town. Rosemary FeurerRosemary Feurer is Professor of.
Adjuncts and contingent faculty are teaching more and more students at colleges and universities today. LAWCHA is setting up an ad hoc committee.