Action Alerts Activism

(Wisconsin) Rallies Planned to Fight ‘Right-to-Work’ Law

12:00 p.m. Tuesday February 24 and 12:00 p.m. Wednesday February 25, State Street Side of the Capitol. The Senate Committee on Labor and Government Reform will be holding a hearing Tuesday, February 24, to hear comments on the proposed law. Interested persons may contact legislators about the proposed law by calling the legislative hotline is: 1-800-362-9472.

RTW No Good for State

Two studies — a national report from the Economic Policy Institute and a Marquette University study — have shown that there is no good economic reason for Wisconsin to enact a right-to-work law. In fact, the studies said the law could hurt the economy. A full report on the studies was carried by Public Radio station WUWM on its “Lake Effect” show. Both the written and audio version of the show is available here.

Setting the Record Straight

“Right to work” laws are another kick to the guts of the already-reeling labor movement, and attacks on labor unions are attacks on all working people, including you and me. — Jamakaya in the Wisconsin Gazette of Jan. 29, 2015. Read full article.

Study Debunks RTW Claims

Back in 2011 when MIchigan debated the R-T- W law, an economic study pointed out the fallacies in the arguments of proponents that the law would spur on the economy and create jobs. The study, entitled, “Right-to-work: Wrong for Michigan’s Economy,” was produced by the Economic Policy Institute and a summary of that study can be found by clicking here.

A Fact Sheet

The facts are that right-to-work is more aptly named “right-to-work for less,” as a Fact Sheet compiled by the AFL-CIO shows in this flyer that can be reproduced. Click Here.

Kentucky Continues Pass RTW

In Kentucky, where the Democratic-controlled legislature has blocked passage of a right-to-work (for less) law, anti-union forces have turned to individual counties. Already six counties have passed such legislation, though it’s questionable whether the laws are legal under Federal law. Read more.

What’s Happening!
JOIN PETITION DRIVE: The Wisconsin State AFL-CIO has set up an online petition you may quickly sign to tell the State Legislators your views about the pending law. Click here.

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