labor history

Wobblies Repressed as  (almost) None Others

Paul Buhle’s review of Dean A. Strang, Keep the Wretches In Order: America’s Biggest Mass Trial, the Rise of the Justice Department and.

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The $15 Disney Minimum Wage, Historic?

Over the better part of the last year (July 2017-August 2018), Disney cast members in both Anaheim and Orlando have been negotiating with.

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Labor History LaborOnline

The Fight for Good Jobs and a Democratic Economy

Jonathan Kissam, historian and Communications Director for United Electrical Workers Union, digs into the past for some ideas for the future, in a.

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The University of Iowa Labor Center and the Attacks on Labor

The attacks on labor these days take many forms.  Some are straight-forward and brutally confrontational—the Janus ruling or the state legislation in Iowa.

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“Oilcan” Ed Sadlowski, 1938-2018: Midwestern Grit

Ed Sadlowski passed away yesterday. His life is a testament to the grit of the leftwing Midwestern union militants. His roots in unionism.

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Labor History LaborOnline

The New Left, Labor History and the Unending Echoes of 1956

Stuart Hall with Bill Schwarz, Familiar Stranger: a Life Between Two Islands. Duke University Press, 2017. 271pp, $29.95 pbk Stuart Hall, Selected Political.

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Articles Labor History

Jews in the Labor Movement: Past, Present and Future

Think of the greatest strikes in US labor history. Apart from the garment workers’ strikes in New York and Chicago before World War.

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The State of Wisconsin: Neoliberalism’s Ground Zero

Readers of this blog are probably aware of what has been going on in the state of Wisconsin over the past couple of.

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