
Viewing 2024

The conversations eventuating in the current “Labor and Science” special issue of Labor began almost three years ago to the day. Lissa Roberts and Alexandra Hui, editors of History of...

In recognition of Women’s History Month, I offer the following excerpt from my recently published book, What Work Is. The book is built around six-word essays written by adult workers...

I am deeply pleased that Labor has published a review of my interactive digital installation, On Equal Terms: gender & solidarity, and that Duke University Press is allowing free access...

On November 21, 1927, twenty Colorado strike policemen shot into a crowd of 500 men, women, and children in the company town of Serene built around the Columbine coalmine, killing...
Lisa Phillips, Indiana State University, analyzes Indiana’s new law, SEA 202. The law, due to go into effect in June calls DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)-centered teaching, research, scholarship, and...

This is the third post that introduces the important themes and issues highlighted in the new edited collection Contingent Faculty and the Remaking of Higher Education. -ed When Claire Goldstene...