
Campus Labor and the Corporate University: A LaborOnline Forum

Clarence Lang, Forum Organizer: Since the late 1970s, neoliberalism has emerged as the main political-economic organizing principle in the United States and globally..

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Hunger strike in Philadelphia enters 12th day

Philadelphia is now witnessing the 12th day of a hunger strike  among workers and parents protesting the draconian Philadelphia school district budget plan.

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Why Labor Needs to Ally with LGBTQ Activists

What should the labor movement do after the recent Supreme Court decisions on the Voting Rights and Defense of Marriage Acts? There has.

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Action Alerts Global Affairs Articles LAWCHA

Violations of the Labor and Human Rights of Maruti Suzuki Workers in India

On 27 June, 2013, the International Commission for Labor Rights (ICLR) released the report entitled, “Merchants of Menace: Repressing workers in India’s new.

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“Looking Forward: New Directions and Strategies for Labor” Session, LAWCHA Conference

The 2013 LAWCHA national conference ended with a closing session held at Cooper Union Hall on Saturday, June 4th at 4:30. The closing.

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LaborOnline LAWCHA

President’s Perspective: Looking Forward from New York

The New York conference in June marked an important threshold for LAWCHA. The programmatic diversity and stimulus to membership the conference created invites.

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LAWCHA Watch: Recap of the 2013 National Conference

How have working people developed solidarity and power to confront employers and the state, to struggle with each over and within their communities,.

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Staughton Lynd’s Message at the Closing Plenary, LAWCHA Conference, NYC

Staughton Lynd, historian and longtime labor and social activist sent the following message and greeting to be read at the Closing Plenary of.

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Beyond the Right: Anti-Unionism and Reform

A clear-eyed assessment of current attacks against organized labor reveal that the “right”—the Republican Party and its electoral, financial, and ideological supporters—is not.

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