Call for Proposals Labor History

WCSA Awards Nominations (Deadline: January 15, 2016)

The Working-Class Studies Association (WCSA) invites nominations (including selfnominations) for awards covering the year of 2015. Ryan

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In Memoriam

Gary Cappy, 1952-2015

I am sad to report that Gary Cappy, of Grass Roots Press, which has printed the LAWCHA newsletter for many years has passed.

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Herbert G. Gutman Dissertation Prize – submissions due January 3, 2016

The Labor and Working Class History Association (LAWCHA) is pleased to announce its annual Herbert Gutman Dissertation Prize, established with the cooperation with.

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Jim Berger, “This is the media’s real bias — pro-business, pro-corporate, pro-CEO,” Slate (October 30, 2015)

There are cable stations which devote nearly all their programming to aspects of [the workings of capital]. NPR, of course, has “Marketplace” in.

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Labor History

Working History Podcast: Religion’s Role in Organizing the South

SLSA’s latest Working History podcast, “Religion’s Role in Organizing the South,“ is available for listening on iTunes and SoundCloud. In the episode, Professor.

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Mapping the IWW

The IWW History Project is now live. Based at the University of Washington, the online project reveals in new ways the rich history.

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Search for Director of Labor Program at University of Massachusetts Boston

he University of Massachusetts Boston has long had a Labor Studies Program and Labor Resource Center. Now, however, we are reorganizing and redeveloping.

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LAWCHA co-sponsorship at AHA, OAH, and Berks

If you would like to have LAWCHA co-sponsorship for a session at any of the conferences below, please send the information to our.

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Call for Proposals

Social Justice for a Global Working Class: MLWCH Colloquium, Purdue

Organizers of the 2016 Midwest Labor and Working-Class History Colloquium (MLWCH) are soliciting papers of approximately 10 to 25 pages, from any discipline,.

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In Memoriam

Rosalyn Baxandall, 1939-2015

Rosalyn Baxandall, a feminist historian who was among the first to bring scholarly attention to the historical role of women in the workplace.

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