Labor History
Labor History

Labor Archives and Research Center 30th Anniversary Celebration

Flyaway Productions, a Bay Area dance company, was commissioned by the Labor Archives and Research Center to create an aerial site-specific performance, choreographed.

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Activism Labor History

Radical Leisure

Connections, both real and hoped for, between the labor movement and environmentalists have been news for at least fifteen years now. The possibility.

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Labor History LaborOnline

Working-Class Academics and Working-Class Studies: Still Far from Home?

Academe is a privileged place.  It was designed to serve and continues to be dominated by people from educated, well-off backgrounds.  Its hierarchical.

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Labor History

Remembering the Last Great Strike this Memorial Day

On the afternoon of Memorial Day, 1937, at least 1,500 striking steel workers and their supporters marched across a sun-drenched field in the.

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Labor History Teaching Blog

Socialism in current K-12 textbooks: invisible & dismissed

For years now I’ve been showing students and friends the polls that show an increasingly favorable view of socialism especially among low income,.

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Labor History

The Easter Rising 100 years on: How the Irish revolution fired up American politics

On July 27, 1919, Marcus Garvey, the African-American nationalist then nearing the height of his influence, rose to address a crowd of almost.

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Labor History

When Socialists Won Elections (and Where)

Bernie Sanders has come close. And in doing so he has demonstrated that in 2016 the label democratic socialist is no longer a.

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Global Affairs Articles Labor History

French Workers Fight to Maintain 35-Hour Work Week

French workers are fighting to maintain their 35 hour work week. Adopted in February of 2000, as part of the platform of France’s.

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Labor History

AFL-CIO Merger: In Commemoration of the AFL-CIO’s 60th Anniversary

Before 1955, the AFL (American Federation of Labor) and the CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations) were separate, competing organizations. The two organizations chose.

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Global Affairs Articles Labor History LAWCHA

LAWCHA Joins the Global Labour History Network

The Global Labour History Network (GLHN) is an interdisciplinary network of historians and other social scientists, founded in Barcelona on June 16, 2015..

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