Rosemary Feurer
LaborOnline LAWCHA Marked, Unmarked, Remembered: A Public History Series

Bringing Labor History Alive: Reenacting the 1936 St. Louis City Hall Occupation

Every spring, over thirty women union activists are accepted to attend the Regina V. Polk Women’s Labor Leadership Conference, or The Polk School.

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Labor History LaborOnline

The Fight for Good Jobs and a Democratic Economy

Jonathan Kissam, historian and Communications Director for United Electrical Workers Union, digs into the past for some ideas for the future, in a.

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Labor History Teaching Blog

Socialism in current K-12 textbooks: invisible & dismissed

For years now I’ve been showing students and friends the polls that show an increasingly favorable view of socialism especially among low income,.

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Workers Memorial Day and Earth Day: Links in a Chain

The waning days of April have a little recognized convergence, inviting us to think about connections between workers issues and environmental concerns. Rosemary.

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Ferguson and Emerson Electric: The Paradox of Imperial Reach

Six weeks following the police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri Emerson Electric Chairman and CEO, Michael Farr, unveiled the corporation’s $1.5.

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Labor History LAWCHA Teaching Blog

Launch of LAWCHA’s Teacher/Public Sector Initiative

Today we launch the teachers/public sector toolkit, a set of resources that we hope will contribute to dialog on teacher and public sector.

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Teaching Blog

Growing Apart by Colin Gordon: Great Teaching Resource

Growing Apart is one of the most valuable tools for teaching about labor and inequality that I have seen in recent years. It’s.

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“Yes, Ludlow Was a Massacre” by DeStefanis & Feurer, with Response by Martelle and Andrews

Anthony DeStefanis and Rosemary Feurer wrote blogs simultaneously in response to a central question raised at the Ludlow Commemoration this weekend: Was Ludlow.

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