new book interviews
LaborOnline New Book Interviews

Toni Gilpin on Her New Book, The Long Deep Grudge

Toni Gilpin’s The Long Deep Grudge:  A Story of Big Capital, Radical Labor, and Class War in the American Heartland details the long.

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Labor History LaborOnline New Book Interviews

Jenny Carson’s A Matter of Moral Justice; Black Women Laundry Workers and the Fight for Justice

            Lisa Phillips spoke to Jenny Carson about her new book, A Matter of Moral Justice, on Black.

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LaborOnline New Book Interviews

Jacob Zumoff on The Red Thread; the Passaic Textile Strike

Welcome to Labor Online’s first on-screen interview with an author of a recently published book. We’ll be  continuing to do author interviews in.

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LaborOnline New Book Interviews

Forum on John French’s Lula and His Politics of Cunning

Labor Online is pleased to present the entire forum on John French’s new book,  Lula and His Politics of Cunning:From Metalworker to President.

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LaborOnline New Book Interviews

Jonathan Daniel Wells on his new book, The Kidnapping Club

Jonathan Daniel Wells’ The Kidnapping Club: Wall Street, Slavery and Resistance on the Eve of the Civil War exposes the role of Wall.

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Labor History LaborOnline

Middle Class Nightmares: The presidential elections and the “middle class”

This is an English translation of a review first published ) Sarah Jones reviews The Sinking Middle Class by David Roediger “Once.

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LaborOnline New Book Interviews

Aaron Goings on his new book: The Port of Missing Men

In his fascinating new book, Aaron Goings interrogates the legend of Billy Gohl (1873-1927), a union official accused of dozens of murders. He.

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LaborOnline New Book Interviews

East of East: The Making of Greater El Monte: Interview with author and editors

A People’s History of Life and Labor in the San Gabriel Valley: An Interview with authors and editors of East of East: The.

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LaborOnline New Book Interviews

Ryan Pettengill on his new book, Communists and Community . . .in Detroit

Our series of interviews with authors of new books in labor and working-class history continues with Ryan Pettengill, author of the new book,.

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LaborOnline New Book Interviews

Alexandra Finley on Her New Book, An Intimate Economy

Our series of interviews with authors of new books in labor and working-class history continues with Alexandra Finley, author of the new book.

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