Call for Proposals

Special Issue of ILWCH on Histories of Domestic Labor: Resistance and Organization (Deadline: November 15)

Guest Editors: Eileen Boris and Premilla Nadasen. This special issue of ILWCH will bring together historical research and writing on paid private household.

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“Opportunities for Defiance”: Embracing Guerilla History and Moving Beyond Scott Walker’s Wisconsin

This long submission is an essay submitted originally to Labor: Working Class Studies of the Americas from graduate students at the University of.

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Rights, Solidarity, Justice YouTube Panels

LAWCHA extends a warm, gracious thanks to Daniel Waingarten and all the folks over at Arete Living Arts for filming select sessions of.

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Obama’s Phoenix comments call for reflection on class and housing issues

Phoenix was perhaps the worst choice for Barack Obama’s recent speech on his plans for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. To many, the.

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Labor History Teaching Blog

Patrick S. O’Donnell, “Workers, the World of Work & Labor Law: A Basic Bibliography”

Patrick S. O’Donnell of Santa Barbara City College sends us a bibliography of titles related to labor law. Ryan

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Events (Old) International Conference

1913 Dublin Lockout Centenary Conference

October 19, 2013. A day conference to commemorate the Dublin Lockout in 1913. During this epic struggle an estimated 100,000 people, one third.

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How AIDS Changed Everything Recap, 2013 LAWCHA Conference

It’s all too rare that we examine HIV/AIDS and LGBT experiences through the lens of class. Jim Hubbard, Miriam Frank and I took.

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Cindy Hahamovitch, “The Lessons of Belle Glade,” NYT OpEd

IN 1965, the secretary of labor, Willard Wirtz, stood under a porch light in Belle Glade, Fla., facing a crowd of guest workers.

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Lisa Levenstein, “Public Deserves to be Heard on Abortion Bill,” News & Record OpEd

Proposed new regulations on abortion providers have nothing to do with protecting women’s health. Nothing demonstrates this quite like the tactics Republican leaders.

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Cruel Summer

Events this summer have further demonstrated a cruel irony of African American life in the glare of the nation’s first black presidency. Specifically,.

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