
Peter Rachleff, “The Mall of America, free speech, and the labor movement”

From early childhood to old age, a “rights discourse” dominates Americans’ sense of the world and our place in it. Governments around the.

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Five Ideas for Digital Labor History

Over the last two decades, digital technologies have transformed practically every aspect of historians’ professional lives. Tobias HigbieTobias Higbie is a professor of.

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Call for Proposals

MLWCH CFP, “Resistance and Remembrance,” Final Extension: January 3, 2014

2014 Midwest Labor and Working-Class History (MLWCH) Colloquium. “Resistance and Remembrance: Collective Identities and the Uses of History.” University of Illinois at Chicago,.

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The Latest Strike Against Academic Freedom

I wrote an entry for LaborOnline in September concerning a faculty member at the University of Kansas. David Guth, an associate professor of.

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Italian Hall Tragedy: 100 Years Later

Today, Christmas Eve, 2013, marks the 100-year anniversary of the Italian Hall Tragedy in Calumet, Michigan, one of the most tragic events in.

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Events (Old)

LAWCHA at the AHA: Dinner with Karen Nussbaum

LAWCHA dinner with Karen Nussbaum, Executive Director of Working America, to be held Friday, January 3rd at 7 p.m. at the Café Dupont.

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Labor History

Mother Jones Lives Facebook Page


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Thinking of Calumet 1913

My husband keeps expressing a hankering to go up to Calumet, Michigan on Christmas eve to commemorate the 73 people, mostly children, who.

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