
James Green: Labor Festival Talk, Upcoming Book, and PBS Series

James Green, a past president of LAWCHA, delivered the keynote address at this year’s Mother Jones Festival in Cork, Ireland, a four-day community-organized.

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Call for Proposals LAWCHA

Herbert G. Gutman Dissertation Prize, Submissions Due January 3rd, 2015

The Labor and Working Class History Association (LAWCHA) is pleased to announce this year’s Herbert Gutman Dissertation Prize, established with the cooperation with.

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Call for Proposals

LERA 67th Annual Meeting, May 28-31, 2015, Pittsburgh, PA

The LERA Program Committee has issued a call for session and paper proposals for stimulating, creative, and controversial symposia related to this theme.

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Articles Labor History Teaching Blog

A Century of Teacher Organizing: What Can We Learn?

The history of teacher unionism is rich and vibrant, filled with numerous triumphs, tensions, and setbacks. For over a century, most education employees.

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Labor History

West Virginia Mine Wars Museum Open House, November 8, 12pm-4pm

A year ago, community leaders, citizen archaeologists, historians, labor leaders and other volunteers who care about the history in our hills came together.

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John McNay, “People’s Veto of a Union-Busting Law Holds Lessons,” Portside

The people’s veto of SB 5 was a triumph of organization, and of labor’s ability to tell its story to ordinary people. I.

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Career Instructor Needed at the Labor Education and Research Center (University of Oregon)

The Labor Education and Research Center (LERC) at the University of Oregon invites applications for a dynamic, committed labor educator to join our.

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Title VII’s Legacy

The latest issue of Labor:Studies of Working Class History of the Americas has an excellent forum (available on the right side of this.

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“Behind Every Worker is a Family,” by Wendy Z. Goldman

In Buenos Aires, I spoke to a crowded auditorium of 700 workers, students, and faculty. Workers came from the Lear plant, from the.

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International Conference Labor History

Registration open for the Australia-US Comparative Labour History Conference

Historians and other scholars have long recognized both similarities and differences in the labour experience in Australia and the United States. Both countries.

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