Midwest Labor and Working Class History Colloquium CFP
Midwest Labor and Working Class History Colloquium organizers are currently soliciting papers for the 2017 colloquium. We welcome scholars from any discipline interested.
Midwest Labor and Working Class History Colloquium organizers are currently soliciting papers for the 2017 colloquium. We welcome scholars from any discipline interested.
By sweepingly associating immigrants who overstayed their visa or crossed the border improperly with criminal activity, the President built upon a long tradition.
The Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. CEO is sure to be grilled by the Senate on his past statements about the rejection of higher.
The Labor and Working-Class History Association (LAWCHA) strongly opposes the nomination of Andrew Puzder for the position of Secretary of Labor. We believe.
The Labor and Working-Class History Association (LAWCHA) strongly opposes the nomination of Andrew Puzder for the position of Secretary of Labor. We believe.
With the decline of good paying jobs in the private sector, public employment has been particularly important for working-class people. These state and.
The 2017 Labor Research and Action Network (LRAN) national conference will be held Thursday, June 8th and Friday, June 9th at Howard University.
Rosemary Feurerwww.laborhistorylinks.org
When railroad mogul Jay Gould beat the Knights of Labor in 1886, he revealed his strategy. “I can hire one half of the.
There are moments when we middle-class professionals, or at least the progressive part of us, recognize our blindness.