
Mass Incarceration and the Working Class – LAWCHA Conference 2017

At the 2017 LAWCHA Conference in Seattle, a world-class panel of experts discussed the affects of mass incarceration on the working class. Featured.

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Women Hold the Keys to New Working-Class Prosperity

America rediscovered its working class during the 2016 election, and many Democrats and progressives now call for fresh policies to address the nation’s.

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Fear of Hygge and Working-Class Social Capital

One of the contenders for the Oxford Dictionaries’ “word of the year” in 2016 is the Danish word hygge (pronounced hoo-guh). As defined.

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Congratulations to our 2017 Award Winners

Congratulations to our 2017 prize and award winners, announced formally at the 2017 Annual LAWCHA Conference in Seattle, Washington. Ryan

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Nancy MacLean on Democracy Now

Amy Goodman spoke with Duke University historian and former LAWCHA president Nancy MacLean, author of the new book, Democracy in Chains: The Deep.

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Labor History

Labor Mobilizations and Movements: The 2017 Midwest Labor and Working-Class History Colloquium

The Midwest Labor and Working-Class History (MLWCH) colloquium met at the University of Memphis on June 2nd, 2017.  The one-day event included academic.

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Labor History LaborOnline

Black Education, Racism, and Class: Reflections from a Charter High School Graduation

This May I attended the commencement ceremony for a young cousin who was one of 117 graduates from an overwhelmingly black charter high.

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Have We Been Had? Why Talking About the Working-Class Vote for Trump Hurts Us

Like many of my friends and colleagues who study class and are worried about the increasing economic inequality of this country, I was.

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Labor History LaborOnline

The New Left, Labor History and the Unending Echoes of 1956

Stuart Hall with Bill Schwarz, Familiar Stranger: a Life Between Two Islands. Duke University Press, 2017. 271pp, $29.95 pbk Stuart Hall, Selected Political.

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After Paycheck Taxes

I am a public employee. And what is worse, I work at a university. Mine is a public university sucking the lifeblood out.

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