Labor History

Margo Price, “Pay Gap”: Labor Song of the Month

While Margo Price’s concerns are political through and through, she isn’t hosting any pity parties. Many of her songs rock, countering the sobering.

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In Memoriam

Geneva Evans, 1941-2018

A great labor leader passed away last month. You won’t read about her in the NY Times obituary, but you should. You won’t.

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Scabby the Rat Down Under

Scabby the Rat, a familiar figure on US picket lines, has taken his show on the road. In the past few years, he’s.

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Call for Proposals Events

Engendering the History of Capitalism

Joint Session International Federation for Research in Women’s History (IFRWH) and International Social History Association (ISHA): CISH in Poznan, Poland, August 2020. Eileen.

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Call for Proposals Events

Gendered work, gendered struggles: women’s activism at the work-place in long-term and comparative perspective

The study of women’s workplace activism advances the evolving inclusive and conceptually innovative historiography on women, gender, and labor. It focuses on a.

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Call for Proposals Events

Gender in Movement(s): Women and Gender in Motion

The theme of the 2020 meeting International Federation for Research in Women’s History/Fédération Internationale pour la Recherche en Histoire des Femmes is “Gender.

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LAWCHA will be present at the 2018 OAH in Sacramento, California. We have a full schedule of panels and events associated with the.

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Know Your Place: A New Generation of Working-Class Voices

A literary festival isn’t the obvious place to discuss class, but a couple of weeks ago I found myself introducing a session at.

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MLK: To the Promised Land

Michael K. Honey is the author of the new study, To the Promised Land: Martin Luther King and the Fight for Economic Justice,.

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MLK’s ’68 struggle for economic justice still marching on

On Feb. 1, 1968, Echol Cole and Robert Walker were crushed to death while riding out a cold, driving rainstorm in the back.

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