
Is the Fever Breaking? Ground Zero Youngstown

Two years ago, I described the Youngstown area as “crossover ground zero” for Donald Trump and the politics of resentment in working-class and.

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#MeToo and McDonald’s

It’s been a long time since a strike in the US directly targeted sexual harassment. But on Tuesday, women workers took direct action.

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Labor Song of the Month: “Harry Bridges”

Nowadays, the name Harry Bridges elicits no response from the average American. Some San Francisco Bay Area residents might connect his name to.

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Articles OpEd

What’s up with wages? Nothing, and that’s a problem (not a puzzle)

Increasing inequality is a pressing problem requiring serious research and vigorous debate as we strive for policies that improve people’s opportunities and outcomes..

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Labor ends all business relations with FedEx

In recent months we have taken action to end the shipping of print copies of Labor by FedEx in any capacity. Leon Fink

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Middle-Class Influence vs. Working-Class Character

“Jesse” is one of a cohort of 80 students sociologist Jessica Calarco observed from the 3rd through the 5th grades and then revisited in middle.

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Labor History LaborOnline

The Fight for Good Jobs and a Democratic Economy

Jonathan Kissam, historian and Communications Director for United Electrical Workers Union, digs into the past for some ideas for the future, in a.

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Sorry to Bother You: A Spectacle That Teaches

If you haven’t seen Sorry to Bother You yet, please stop reading this and find somewhere in your town that is still playing the film..

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Worker Rights Attacks Part of Human Rights Crackdown

Human rights activists around the world celebrated the recent release from prison of two union leaders in Kazakhstan who were convicted of bogus criminal charges.

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