Call for Proposals LAWCHA

CFP: OAH 2020 Travel Grants

LAWCHA is proud to be able to offer eight travel grants ($300) to students, contingent faculty, and independent scholars presenting at the 2020 OAH in Washington.

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Los trabajadores y la lucha por la justicia social en el Chile neoliberal

Los derechos y las condiciones de trabajo han estado en el centro de la lucha por la justicia social que se mantiene hoy.

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White Middle-Class Racism

What do you picture when someone refers to the “Trump’s base”? If you’ve watched television coverage of his rallies or read any of.

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Workers of the World Unite (At Last)

Neoliberal globalization presents many challenges to labor organizing. Increased mobility of capital has led to a sharp increase in relocation, outsourcing, and offshoring..

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Call for Proposals LAWCHA

David Montgomery Award: Submission Deadline October 1, 2019

The David Montgomery Award is given annually by the OAH with co-sponsorship by the Labor and Working-Class History Association (LAWCHA) for the best.

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Is ‘Doing Your Best’ Ever Enough When You Are Working Class?

In 2016, I wrote about how Ken Loach’s film I, Daniel Blake illustrated the impact of the draconian British welfare system on working-class people. Watching.

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Talking Class and Race at the Same Time

Most progressive policies have the potential of unifying people around class interests, but a convention in talking about these things often seems to.

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The Great Cowboy Strike: An interview with Mark Lause

Chad Pearson interviews Mark Lause on his new book, The Great Cowboy Strike: Bullets, Ballots and Class Conflicts in the American West, which.

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Doris Day: Working-Class Hero

Doris Day was one of the hardest working entertainers of the 1950s and 1960s, as well as one of the highest paid female.

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Class(room) Warfare

The actress Felicity Huffman—along with 13 other parents charged in the college admissions scandal—entered plea deals last week, putting pressure on actress Lori.

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