Is the Worst Yet to Come for Unions?

With the decline of good paying jobs in the private sector, public employment has been particularly important for working-class people. These state and.

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Is Solidarity Possible?: Cops Are Workers Too

When railroad mogul Jay Gould beat the Knights of Labor in 1886, he revealed his strategy. “I can hire one half of the.

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Every Part of Us Has Parts

There are moments when we middle-class professionals, or at least the progressive part of us, recognize our blindness.

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The Origins of Right-to-Work: Vance Muse, Anti-Semitism, and the Maintenance of Jim Crow Labor Relations

As Kentucky legislators pass a measure outlawing the union shop and Missouri’s General Assembly contemplates doing the same, it is worth remembering that.

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Activism Contingent Faculty Committee Blog LAWCHA

LAWCHA Statement on Collective Bargaining for All Faculty

The Labor and Working Class History Association (LAWCHA) applauds and endorses the Organization of American Historians (OAH) “Statement on Collective Bargaining and Part-Time,.

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Empowering Migrant Workers in Global Supply Chains

Many of the more than 150 million migrant workers around the world endure abusive conditions—and one of the most exploitative phases of transnational.

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Everyday Encounters: Antagonism in the Sharing Economy

Contemporary service industry jobs, many of them tied to the sharing economy, affect both workers and customers. As Diane Negra and John Russo.

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Deindustrialisation, Deregulation, and Division: The Case of Shirebrook and Sports Direct

Deindustrialisation has ravaged areas of the English North and Midlands, areas that are also some of the hardest hit by successive governments’ programs.

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How Bill Clinton Remade the Democratic Party by Abandoning Unions: An Arkansas Story

Much has been made in the recent campaign about the alienation of working-class whites from the Democratic Party. Michael Pierce shows this is.

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