Labor History
Labor History

From Worker Education Center to Hedge Fund and State Department Cabal: An Open Call to Struggle Against an Obscene Transformation

Dear friends and supporters of Worker Education: After more than three years of the collective efforts by The Committee of Concerned Alumni, Students,.

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Labor History

Baltimore Steel Stories

This is the first video for the Baltimore Steel Stories Project out of Towson University’s Anthropology Department. About half of the material used.

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Labor History

Standing Up for a House of Labor–the Debs Home in Terre Haute

In 1968, on the corner of the campus of Indiana State University, there sat a small home. Previously a member of Terre Haute’s.

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Events Labor History

Society of American Archivists Labor Archives Roundtable at the 2015 LAWCHA Conference

May 28-29, 2015. As part of the Society of American Archivists Labor Archives Roundtable’s ongoing efforts to coordinate with LAWCHA, two conference sessions.

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Labor History People

Suellen Hoy wins 2014 Harry E. Pratt Award

We are pleased to pass along that LAWCHA member Suellen Hoy has won 2014’s Harry E. Pratt Award for the best article in.

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Labor History OpEd

Jim Gregory, “Seattle’s Left Coast Formula,” Dissent (Winter, 2015)

Contemporary Seattle is a city with a dual personality. On one hand, a dramatic building boom is underway. Towering cranes crowd the skyline.

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Labor History

Remembering the Flint Sit-Down Strike

Tired of reductions in pay and jobs, increased workloads, and harassment of United Automobile Workers organizers, on December 30, 1936 automotive workers in.

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Labor History

Graphic History Collective Project #10 – Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love

We are excited to share the mini-comic version of Kwentong Bayan: Labour of Love, a community based comic book project created by Toronto-based.

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Global Affairs Articles International Conference Labor History

Australia and U.S. Labor: Transnational Influences and Historical Comparisons

For three days in early January—summertime in the land “down under”—historians and other scholars interested in labor gathered on the campus of Australia’s.

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Labor History LAWCHA

Long Time LAWCHA Activist Undertakes Building a New Institution Devoted to Working Class History

A year and a half ago, I left Macalester College after a three decades-long career. I decided that it’s time to devote myself.

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