Bread and Roses Strike Centennial Anniversary Conference (April 27-28, 2012)
When 30,000 workers walked out of Lawrence’s textile mills in the dead of a New England winter in January 1912, they launched an.
When 30,000 workers walked out of Lawrence’s textile mills in the dead of a New England winter in January 1912, they launched an.
The 34th Annual North American Labor History Conference October 18-20, 2012 Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan The Program Committee of the North American.
How Class Works, 2010 Call for Presentations A Conference at SUNY Stony Brook June 7-9, 2012 The Center for Study of Working Class.
Call for Papers, Workshops and Presentations for the 2012 Conference, to be held in Tacoma, Washington May 18 – 20. Rosemary FeurerRosemary Feurer.