LaborOnline LAWCHA Marked, Unmarked, Remembered: A Public History Series

Bringing Labor History Alive: Reenacting the 1936 St. Louis City Hall Occupation

Every spring, over thirty women union activists are accepted to attend the Regina V. Polk Women’s Labor Leadership Conference, or The Polk School.

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Labor History LaborOnline

UC Graduate Workers and the History of Political Strikes

On Wednesday, May 15, 79% of 48,000 graduate student workers at the University of California  who cast their ballots voted to authorize a.

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LaborOnline LAWCHA

What Work Is: In Six-Word Essays

In my book, What Work Is, I assert that work has an enormous contradictory impact on the workers and society they build. Anthropologist.

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Labor History LaborOnline LAWCHA

Charisse Burden-Stelly on Black Scare/Red Scare

Charisse Burden-Stelly recently published Black Scare / Red Scare: Theorizing Capitalist Racism in the United States. The book offers a radical and interdisciplinary.

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LaborOnline LAWCHA

Reparations for Enslavement, Segregation, and Racism?

New York State and California have both created commissions to study the possibility of reparations to African Americans for the legacy of slavery.

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LaborOnline LAWCHA

Harvey Schwartz on Labor Under Siege–a Book about the ILWU and Union President “Big Bob” McEllrath

Introduction:  An injury to one is an injury to all. Motto of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union. ILWU demonstrators at the Vancouver,.

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Labor History LaborOnline

What the Ancestors Would Do: Reflections on Helping to Organize a Union

On February 28, my contract faculty colleagues and I won our union, Contract Faculty United – UAW. My colleagues and I voted 553-72.

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Issues of Labor LaborOnline LAWCHA

Labor History and History of Science: Better Together

The conversations eventuating in the current “Labor and Science” special issue of Labor began almost three years ago to the day. Lissa Roberts.

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LaborOnline LAWCHA

“A debt paid for abandoned goals”: A Reflection from What Work Is

In recognition of Women’s History Month, I offer the following excerpt from my recently published book, What Work Is. The book is built.

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Issues of Labor LaborOnline LAWCHA

On Equal Terms-Gender and Solidarity

I am deeply pleased that Labor has published a review of my interactive digital installation, On Equal Terms: gender & solidarity, and that.

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