Listen to Salem Elzway to Understand How Elites Have Used Automation
In a recent issue of Labor, Salem Elzway and Jason Resnikoff published an article that gives all workers insights into this ongoing deployment.
In a recent issue of Labor, Salem Elzway and Jason Resnikoff published an article that gives all workers insights into this ongoing deployment.
Reds: The Tragedy of American Communism by Maurice IssermanRandi Storch: Your engaging and well-written history of American Communism from 1919 to the early.
Chad Pearson’s review follows a series of recent posts from Labor Online that reflect on and feature the work of contributors to Contingent.
Co-authors: James Barrett, Shelton Stromquist David Montgomery was a founder of the modern field of labor history. Even long after his death, the.
This essay by Justine Modica is available free until September 30, thanks to Duke University Press. Credit to Labor Online editorial member John.
“Professor Gabin,” as I will always remember her, set a standard few of us will meet. Her research and writing, meticulous and groundbreaking. .
Every spring, over thirty women union activists are accepted to attend the Regina V. Polk Women’s Labor Leadership Conference, or The Polk School.
On Wednesday, May 15, 79% of 48,000 graduate student workers at the University of California who cast their ballots voted to authorize a.
In my book, What Work Is, I assert that work has an enormous contradictory impact on the workers and society they build. Anthropologist.
Charisse Burden-Stelly recently published Black Scare / Red Scare: Theorizing Capitalist Racism in the United States. The book offers a radical and interdisciplinary.