Wishbone of The Good Lord Bird: Historical Fiction and Poetic Truth
Showtime’s The Good Lord Bird uses the events around John Brown’s 1859 raid on Harpers Ferry to weave a fictional tale incorporating some.
Showtime’s The Good Lord Bird uses the events around John Brown’s 1859 raid on Harpers Ferry to weave a fictional tale incorporating some.
This is an English translation of a review first published https://commonware.org/recensioni/vite-di-commessi-elettori-le-elezioni-americane-e-la-middle-class ) Sarah Jones reviews The Sinking Middle Class by David Roediger “Once.
In his fascinating new book, Aaron Goings interrogates the legend of Billy Gohl (1873-1927), a union official accused of dozens of murders. He.
In the spring of 2019, workers at the University of South Carolina (UofSC) organized after a controversial university Presidential search highlighted campus-wide dissatisfaction.
Early in September, Polk County Iowa District Judge Jeffrey Farrell ruled that state officials had the right to overrule local school boards in.
A People’s History of Life and Labor in the San Gabriel Valley: An Interview with authors and editors of East of East: The.
Our series of interviews with authors of new books in labor and working-class history continues with Ryan Pettengill, author of the new book,.
Our series of interviews with authors of new books in labor and working-class history continues with Alexandra Finley, author of the new book.
Today we wrap up our roundtable with Nate Holdren’s response to commenters on his new book Injury Impoverished: Workplace Accidents, Capitalism, and Law.
Chad Pearson offers comments on employer violence in understanding workplace injury as part of a roundtable on Nate Holdren’s Injury Impoverished: Workplace Accidents,.