
Civil Rights Unionism and Democracy for Teachers: Nat LaCour’s Legacy

Nat LaCour connected civil rights unionism to teachers’ struggle to build union democracy. A remembrance and evaluation. The United Teachers of New Orleans.

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Issues of Labor Labor History LaborOnline

“They’re Not Alone”: An Oral History of the Pennsylvania Faculty Strike of 2016 with an update

We are glad to take this article from behind a paywall link at the Labor: Studies in Working Class History, and are grateful.

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Wishbone of The Good Lord Bird: Historical Fiction and Poetic Truth

Showtime’s The Good Lord Bird uses the events around John Brown’s 1859 raid on Harpers Ferry to weave a fictional tale incorporating some.

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Labor History LaborOnline

Middle Class Nightmares: The presidential elections and the “middle class”

This is an English translation of a review first published ) Sarah Jones reviews The Sinking Middle Class by David Roediger “Once.

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LaborOnline New Book Interviews

Aaron Goings on his new book: The Port of Missing Men

In his fascinating new book, Aaron Goings interrogates the legend of Billy Gohl (1873-1927), a union official accused of dozens of murders. He.

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United Campus Workers of South Carolina

In the spring of 2019, workers at the University of South Carolina (UofSC) organized after a controversial university Presidential search highlighted campus-wide dissatisfaction.

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Who should “rule at home”?

Early in September, Polk County Iowa District Judge Jeffrey Farrell ruled that state officials had the right to overrule local school boards in.

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LaborOnline New Book Interviews

East of East: The Making of Greater El Monte: Interview with author and editors

A People’s History of Life and Labor in the San Gabriel Valley: An Interview with authors and editors of East of East: The.

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LaborOnline New Book Interviews

Ryan Pettengill on his new book, Communists and Community . . .in Detroit

Our series of interviews with authors of new books in labor and working-class history continues with Ryan Pettengill, author of the new book,.

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LaborOnline New Book Interviews

Alexandra Finley on Her New Book, An Intimate Economy

Our series of interviews with authors of new books in labor and working-class history continues with Alexandra Finley, author of the new book.

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