Work: The Politics of Laboring in American History, Graduate Student Conference (Michigan)
May 9-10, 2014. This conference will consider the myriad forms of work throughout American history, in order to engage scholarship in a wide
May 9-10, 2014. This conference will consider the myriad forms of work throughout American history, in order to engage scholarship in a wide
I often hear from trade unionists who stop at Mother Jones’ gravesite and monument in Mount Olive, Ill., (just off Highway 55, about
Descended from African American slaves, Native Americans, and white slaveowners, John Handcox was born at one of the hardest times and places to
From early childhood to old age, a “rights discourse” dominates Americans’ sense of the world and our place in it. Governments around the
2014 Midwest Labor and Working-Class History (MLWCH) Colloquium. “Resistance and Remembrance: Collective Identities and the Uses of History.” University of Illinois at Chicago,
LAWCHA dinner with Karen Nussbaum, Executive Director of Working America, to be held Friday, January 3rd at 7 p.m. at the Café Dupont
My husband keeps expressing a hankering to go up to Calumet, Michigan on Christmas eve to commemorate the 73 people, mostly children, who