The weekend of March 24-26, 2011 there will be a variety of activities sponsored
by dozens of organizations and unions to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, March 25, 1911, in which 146 young workers lost
their lives and which forever changed the relationship of American government to the
The schedule linked below focuses on the LAWCHA events. Many other events will take
place over the three days. For the full schedule and updates for Triangle Commemoration
and March 24-26th, see:
Bay Area
Sabrina Jacobs of the Bay Area radio station KPFA recently conducted an interview with relatives of Triangle Fire survivors.
“Little is known to west coast residents about the connection of the Triangle Fire and how it affected the working class on a national level. We will hear from Eileen Nevitt, whose paternal grandmother, Annie Spinstock, has been lauded for her heroism in saving Katie Weiner, the last person to escape the inferno. We will also hear the story of Dora Miller Maisler, the maternal grandmother of Steve Rosen, who also survived the fire and went on to become a lifelong supporter of labor rights.”
Chicago Events
Chicago will feature a free program featuring a presentation by Professor Jo Ann
Argersinger of Southern Illinois University. Her book, The Triangle Fire,
tells the story of the March 25, 1911 fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory
in New York City. The fire took the lives of 146 mostly Jewish and Italian
immigrant women. These garment workers, largely teenagers, were unable
to escape because of locked exit doors and other inadequate safety
protections. Many died jumping from high floors to the pavement below.
Public outrage and grief over this horrific and preventable tragedy led to new work and safety legislation,
rules and regulations throughout the country. The Triangle Fire was a defining moment in U.S. history that led
to social reform and a robust labor movement.
Iowa City Events
Events in Iowa City, Iowa will take place on Friday, March 25, 2011, opening with a talk by Linda K. Kerber, professor of history at the University of Iowa. A dramatic reading will follow from Carol Macvey, and the events will end with a commentary by Janet Schlapkohl.
Minneapolis-St. Paul Events
Presented by Jewish Community Action. The activities take place between March and May. For details on each event, see their website at
Washington D.C.
“Please join the International Labor Rights Forum and Host Committee for a reception in Washington, D.C. All proceeds will help ILRF strengthen workers’ organizations and labor rights advocacy around the world.
We will commemorate the centennial of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire and highlight the struggle of Bangladeshi workers who have experienced several factory fires and other unsafe working conditions. ILRF will honor groups and individuals who have shown an extraordinary commitment to workers worldwide.”
View the Website for More Details!
Want to learn more about the Triangle Fire? The literature is vast, but here are just a few resources for your convenience.
- ILR School (Cornell) Triangle Fire Website
- Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition
- Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Trial, 1911 (includes timeline and newspaper accounts)
- NPR Special: Triangle Shirtwaist Factor Fire
- Ellen Wiley Todd, Labor, “Photojournalism, Visual Culture, and the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire”
- Susan Eisenberg, Labor, “Remembering the Fire at Triangle Shirtwaist”

Rosemary Feurer is Professor of History at Northern Illinois University. She is the author of Radical Unionism in the Midwest, 1900-1950, among others. She is working on The Illinois Mine Wars, 1860-1940 and a new biography of Mary Harris “Mother” Jones.