Ian Rocksborough-Smith
Ian Rocksborough-Smith
Ian teaches primarily U.S. history at the University of the Fraser Valley in Stó:lō / S'ólh Téméxw / Abbotsford, B.C., Canada. His research interests include public and urban history, social movements, and histories of race, labor, religion, and empire in the Atlantic world. He has published academic articles and book reviews in a variety of journals like <em>The Black Scholar: Journal of Black Studies and Research, Reviews in American History</em>, and <em>The Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society</em> and has a book entitled: <em>Black Public History in Chicago: Civil Rights Activism from World War II Into the Cold War</em> (April/May 2018). He has written op-eds in <em>Canadian Dimension</em> and <em>The Conversation (Canada)</em> and is on the editorial team for <em>Labor Online</em> (LAWCHA). He has served as an international solidarity and human rights officer for his faculty union, local 7 of the Federation of Post-Secondary Employees of British Columbia (2021-2023).
Labor History LaborOnline LAWCHA

Charisse Burden-Stelly on Black Scare/Red Scare

Charisse Burden-Stelly recently published Black Scare / Red Scare: Theorizing Capitalist Racism in the United States. The book offers a radical and interdisciplinary

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LaborOnline New Book Interviews

William D. Riddell On the Waves of Empire U.S. Imperialism and Merchant Sailors, 1872-1924

Ian Rocksborough-Smith interviewed William D. Riddell about his new book On the Waves of Empire: U.S. Imperialism and Merchant Sailors, 1872-1924, published by

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A Victory for Hope: A Note about the ALU Victory with References

It has been an exciting weekend for the North American labor movement with the Amazon Labor Union victory taking centre stage – adding

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On the “Trucker” Protests in the U.S. and Canada

“Freedom” is a fickle force, especially when it is expressed in the guise of aggressive flag-waving nationalism. Recent convoys in Canada and the

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