If you would like to have LAWCHA co-sponsorship for a session at any of the conferences below, please send the information to our program committee (Jana Lipman, chair) at lawcha@duke.edu. We welcome the opportunity to enhance the visibility of LAWCHA at other conferences, and our co-sponsorship can also sometimes help to make sure a worthy session is accepted when the competition is intense.
We are particularly eager to have more of a LAWCHA presence at the Berkshire Conference on Women’s History, where we have not in past co-sponsored many panels but would like to start.
The Berks deadline is January 15, 2016 http://2017berkshireconference.hofstra.edu/call-for-papers/#call
The OAH deadline is January 23rd 2016 — http://www.oah.org/meetings-events/meetings-events/call-for-proposals/. If you are thinking about the 2017 OAH and can only attend one conference a season, be aware that LAWCHA will be holding our own conference later that spring (end May/early June). We will send out information about our plans this spring. (Many of you are probably aware that we hold our own conferences in odd years, and meet with the OAH in even years).
The AHA deadline is February 15, 2016 https://www.historians.org/annual-meeting/future-meetings/submit-a-proposal
Please send on, too, the calls for papers from other conferences where you think we should have a presence—and feel free to volunteer to coordinate our efforts there!