Advertising in the Fighting Inequality program book

Want to promote your book, film, event, or organization among colleagues attending this year’s conference? While you can always bring flyers to hand out, we will also accept paid ads in the program booklet.

Size Dimensions Price
Full Page 7.5” X 10” $400.00
Half Page, Horizontal 7.5” X 5” $200.00
Half Page, Vertical 3.75” X 10” $200.00
One-quarter Page 3.75” X 5” $150.00

Reserving and Submitting Your Ad

To reserve space for your ad, contact Vail Kohnert-Yount,, by May 1. Actual ads are due May 8.

Please design your advertisements in gray scale. This will ensure maximum quality for gray-scale print. We will accept color ads, but the colors will be removed for printing.

Accepted File Types: .pdf, .tiff, .psd, .eps, any image file of greater resolution than 300 ppi. PDFs should be made with “Press Quality,” or PDF/X-1-a setting if available.

We do not accept the following filetypes: .png, .gif, low resolution .jpg .jpeg files, Word Documents, PowerPoint Documents. Do not send files downloaded from the web, as they are generally much too low resolution for print.


Please make checks out to the Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor and send to Vail Kohnert-Yount, Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor, 209 Maguire Hall, Georgetown University, 37th and O Streets NW, Washington DC 20057.