Election chair Nancy Gabin has reported the results of the LAWCHA election. To start with, more members voted than in any previous election. Wonderful news. The officers and new members of the Board of Directors will take office on March 1. Please join me in congratulating them.
- President Julie Greene
- Vice President Will P. Jones
- Treasurer Liesl Orenic
- Secretary Cecelia Bucki
New Board members (March 2018-March 2021))
- Anne Balay
- Robyn Muncy
- Lisa A. Phillips
- Priyanka Srivastava
- Jessie Wilkerson
The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held in conjunction with the OAH conference in Sacramento on April 14. It will be followed by the annual membership meeting and LAWCHA luncheon in the Sheraton Grand April 14 11:30-1:00. Please plan to attend.