Call for Proposals Events (Old)

Southern Labor Studies Association Conference Annual Conference

March 5-8, 2015. CFP Deadline: September 1, 2014. The Southern Labor Studies Association invites academics, activists, students, attorneys, public historians, archivists, and any other people interested in the experiences of working people in the Early American or US South to propose sessions for our next conference, which will take place from March 5-8, 2015. We will meet in two locations: at the University of Maryland, College Park during the day on Thursday, March 5, and then in Washington, D.C. from the evening of March 5 to the morning of Sunday, March 8.

Sponsored by the Center for the History of the New America, day one of the conference (March 5) will focus on Workers and Organizing in the 21st Century. The rest of the conference will feature a wide range of topics.

The SLSA defines labor and working class studies broadly. We welcome historical and contemporary topics, all relevant academic disciplines, non-academic participants, and regional as well as comparative and transnational approaches. Please note that there is no official conference theme for the DC part of the conference; our hope is to assemble a broad and diverse set of participants on a wide range of subjects.

As always, we will consider traditional panels with three or four presenters plus a chair and commentator, but we encourage prospective participants to propose other types of sessions as well (and create new ones). For example, we invite sessions that put activists and academics in dialogue, sessions that approach topics from multi-disciplinary perspectives, panels that consider one important pre-circulated work in progress, as well as roundtables, teaching workshops, organizing workshops, etc.

The deadline for submitting proposals is September 1, 2014. Proposals should include an approximately 250 words description of the session, 100-200 word abstracts of individual papers if appropriate, and a bio for each participant (100 words max.). Proposals should be sent by email to Professor Eric Arnesen at

For more information about the SLSA, go to or look us up on Facebook.

Rosemary Feurer
Rosemary Feurer is Professor of History at Northern Illinois University. She is the author of Radical Unionism in the Midwest, 1900-1950, among others. She is working on The Illinois Mine Wars, 1860-1940 and a new biography of Mary Harris "Mother" Jones.