Labor History

Comrades & Cowboys

In 1886, several prominent European socialists came through Cincinnati in search of insights into America. Their local comrades–“delightful German-American friends” took them to.

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Events (Old)

Australia-US Comparative Labour History Conference

January 8-9, 2015. The University of Sydney, Australia. This conference aims to bring together historians and scholars interested in exploring the comparative and.

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The Right’s Working-Class Philosopher

Original posted in Jacobin on September 2, 2014. Eric Hoffer was a conservative who only had the time to write because he was.

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OpEd Teaching Blog

John McNay, “Attack on public school teachers seems like sour grapes”

In the United States, right-wing politicians have diligently worked to defund public education. Republicans have often done this in two major ways. They.

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John McNay, “Senate Bill 5 remains an emblem of Kasich’s extreme agenda”

As Ohio voters consider whether to give John Kasich another four years as governor this November, they might want to revisit his first.

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John T. McNay, “12 moments in Cincy labor history”

The Cincinnati labor community is nearly as old as the city itself and very much a part of the fabric that makes up.

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Labor History

New Projects from the Labor Archives Roundtable of the Society of American Archivists

In an effort to update and expand tools for Labor Archives Roundtable members and our users, the Labor Archives Roundtable of the Society.

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Anna Lane Windham, “Making a living while black” (Baltimore Sun, 8/30/2014)

Though we’ve narrowed the racial divide since the days of segregation, the economic divide between whites and blacks has been remarkably persistent for.

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Colin Gordon, A Map To The Roots Of Ferguson’s Civic Unrest, on NPR Ryan

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Michael Sacco on Steve Early’s Save Our Unions

Labor law is outdated and rotten in the US, corporations have an inordinate amount of power, so it is rare that unions win.

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