Labor History
Events (Old) Labor History

North American Labor History Conference: Insurgency & Resistance

Insurgency & Resistance. Throughout history, workers have engaged in insurgency and resistance from factories to fields, from plantations to plants, from mines to.

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Labor History OpEd People

Eric Hobsbawm, 1917-2012


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Labor History OpEd People

Eugene Genovese, 1930-2012


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Labor History News

In Memoriam: Larry Gibson, Anti-Mountaintop Removal Activist, 1946-2012

Larry Gibson was literally the last man standing on Kayford Mountain in southern West Virginia. The 500 people who once called the community.

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Call for Proposals Events (Old) Labor History People

Fifteenth Annual Women’s History Conference: Activism & Scholarship

Keynote by women’s historian Alice Kessler Harris, distinguished professor at Columbia University. Also featuring a round table discussion about the life and work.

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Call for Proposals Labor History News

CFP: SLSA, The Many Souths (deadline: 9/14)

The Southern Labor Studies Association is soliciting panels for its (March 7-9) 2013 conference in New Orleans, LA. The conference theme, the “Many.

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Labor History News People

OAH Announces David Montgomery Book Award Fund — Donate Today

David Montgomery, former president of the Organization of American Historians (1999–2000), passed away in December 2011. David was the Farnam Professor of History.

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Call for Proposals Labor History LAWCHA News OpEd

CFP: “Rights, Solidarity and Justice,” LAWCHA National Conference, June 6-8, 2013

CALL FOR PAPERS: “Rights, Solidarity and Justice: Working People Organizing, Past and Present” LAWCHA National Conference, June 6-8, 2013, New York City. Ryan.

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Events (Old) Labor History News

Report on the 31st Annual Conference of the Wisconsin Labor History Society, Milwaukee

Ken Germanson, President Emeritus, Wisconsin Labor History Society If there was any thought that history is irrelevant in today’s world, that was dispelled.

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