Ryan Poe

Lane Windham, “Let Penn State grad students decide if they want to form a union: The administration and faculty members should stay neutral.” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (April 26, 2016)

A directive on how to fight graduate employees’ unionization efforts was the last thing I expected Penn State University’s Graduate School to plop

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Call for Proposals

Southern Cultures Appalachia Special Issue

Southern Cultures, the award-winning, peer-reviewed quarterly from UNC’s Center for the Study of the American South, encourages submissions from scholars, writers, and artists

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Elizabeth and Ken Fones-Wolf win 2016 David Montgomery Award

For their book, Struggle for the Soul of the Postwar South: White Evangelical Protestants and Operation Dixie(University of Illinois Press, 2015), LAWCHA members

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James Green Awarded LAWCHA’s Award for Distinguished Service to Labor and Working-Class History

We are proud to announce former LAWCHA President James Green as the recipient of this year’s Award for Distinguished Service to Labor and

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Alice Kessler-Harris wins Sol Stetin Award for Labor History

We are proud to announce that former LAWCHA President Alice Kessler-Harris has been awarded the 2016 Sol Stetin Award for Labor History. Born

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Action Alerts

Boycott Driscoll’s Outreach on Watsonville’s Main Street

Watsonville community members support the boycott against Driscoll’s, the world famous berry company headquartered in their town. Ryan Poewww.ryanmpoe.com/

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“In Minnesota, public-sector workers building power from the inside out.” The Union Advocate (February 19, 2016)

They may no longer be on the brink of a Supreme Court-imposed Right-to-Work rule, but Minnesota’s public-sector union members aren’t celebrating. They’re organizing.

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Global Affairs Articles Labor History LAWCHA

LAWCHA Joins the Global Labour History Network

The Global Labour History Network (GLHN) is an interdisciplinary network of historians and other social scientists, founded in Barcelona on June 16, 2015.

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Call for Proposals Labor History New Book Interviews

Reviving Southern Labor History: Call for Contributors for New Book on Southern Labor History

Since the mid-1970s only a handful of books on southern labor history have been published. As Alan Draper wrote nearly twenty years ago,

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Call for Proposals LAWCHA

LAWCHA Seeking LaborOnline Contributors: Anyone Can Contribute

LAWCHA invites students, activists, scholars, educators, and everyone between to contribute to the ongoing conversation at LaborOnline. We consider pieces of any length

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