Ryan Poe

Share your memories of James Green

If you would like to share your remembrance of the late James Green to be posted on our remembrance page in celebration of

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Submission and Review Guidelines for Labor

Looking to submit an article to LAWCHA’s official journal, Labor: Studies in Working-Class History? Check out our submission and review guidelines to ensure

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Issues of Labor

Labor 13.2 (May, 2016)

In This Issue The Common Verse Sarah Cortez, “Uniform Change-Out“ LAWCHA Watch Nancy MacLean, “President’s Perspective: Looking Ahead from Washington, DC“ Articles Fernando

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Issues of Labor

Labor 13.1 (February, 2016)

In This Issue The Common Verse Brooke Boulton, “Claiming Dependents“ LAWCHA Watch John W. McKerley and Jennifer Sherer, “The Iowa Labor History Oral

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Labor History

Labor Archives and Research Center 30th Anniversary Celebration

Flyaway Productions, a Bay Area dance company, was commissioned by the Labor Archives and Research Center to create an aerial site-specific performance, choreographed

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LRAN Conference Registration Open

Register now for the 2016 Labor Research and Action Network national conference, which will be held Friday, June 24th and Saturday, June 25th

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Call for Proposals

Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations CFP: September 30 Deadline

The National Center for the Study Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions forwards us their call for papers for the March

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William P. Jones, “Ray Cross’ misunderstanding of history undercuts his position,” The Journal Sentinel (May 11, 2016)

In a recently publicized private memo, University of Wisconsin System President Ray Cross compared tenured faculty “who are no longer needed in a

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Call for Proposals Events

(New Deadline: May 20) Workers and Global Cities: Detroit and Beyond, 2016 NALHC CFP

CFP Deadline: May 20, 2016. The 38th annual North American Labor History Conference will explore the connections between labor and urban history, workers

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Activism OpEd

Gregory N. Heires, “The Union Advantage for Contingent Faculty.” Portside (April 28, 2016)

A new report says faculty and graduate students at 70 colleges have voted to unionize in the past three years. There are close

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