Ryan Poe
In Memoriam

Eugene Genovese, 1930 – 2012

“As a teenager in Brooklyn, New York in the 1940s, Eugene Genovese recruited workers for the Communist Party. Educated at Columbia University, he

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Issues of Labor

Labor 9.2 (Summer, 2012)

In This Issue The Common Verse Joan Mazza, “Self-Portrait as a Microbiologist” Contemporary Affairs Robert D. Johnston, “The Madison Moment: Labor Historians as

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Issues of Labor

Labor 9.1 (Spring, 2012)

Ryan Poewww.ryanmpoe.com/

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Call for Proposals Labor History News

CFP: SLSA, The Many Souths (deadline: 9/14)

The Southern Labor Studies Association is soliciting panels for its (March 7-9) 2013 conference in New Orleans, LA. The conference theme, the “Many

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Issues of Labor

Labor 8.4 (Winter, 2011)

Ryan Poewww.ryanmpoe.com/

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Labor History News People

OAH Announces David Montgomery Book Award Fund — Donate Today

David Montgomery, former president of the Organization of American Historians (1999–2000), passed away in December 2011. David was the Farnam Professor of History

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Action Alerts (Old)

Four Days for Freedom University, Georgia

Last Spring, a group of young people did something that had never been done before in the state of Georgia: they publicly declared

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Action Alerts (Old)

Hyatt Hurts! They’re the Worst!

Housekeepers nationwide need your help. If you’ve ever stayed at a Hyatt and had a good night’s sleep, you have a housekeeper to

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New: Spring/Summer 2012 Newsletter

In this issue: Bread and Roses Centennial Effort to Save Blair Mountain Update The Dirty Work of the “Underclass” Occupy Labor: What Role

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