Ryan Poe
Events (Old)

The Cradle Will Rock, UW-Madison, November 19 to December 8

The University of Wisconsin, Madison will be hosting The Cradle Will Rock, a legendary pro-union play by Marc Blitzstein. He wrote Cradle in

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LaborOnline Goes Live

As piloted by new Associate Editor Rosemary Feurer–and assisted by an all-star cast of designated blog contributors–LaborOnline features commentary on a host of

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Issues of Labor

Labor 9.3 (Fall, 2012)

In This Issue The Common Verse Adam Matcho, “Why I Deserve a Raise“ LAWCHA Watch Shelton Stromquist, “‘Occupying’ Public Space and the Fight

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LAWCHA Website Tutorial Videos

Ryan Poewww.ryanmpoe.com/

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Action Alerts (Old) Labor History

Destruction of Labor History Archives at Ruskin College, Oxford

The archives of Ruskin College, pioneer institution of working-class education, have been partly destroyed, on the instructions of the college principal and despite

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Call for Proposals Labor History

CFP: UALE Student Conference, “Across Boundaries” (Deadline: Dec 1)

The United Association for Labor Education invites you and your colleagues to submit a proposal for our 2013 Annual Conference, “Across Boundaries: What

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Events (Old) Labor History

North American Labor History Conference: Insurgency & Resistance

Insurgency & Resistance. Throughout history, workers have engaged in insurgency and resistance from factories to fields, from plantations to plants, from mines to

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Labor History OpEd People

Eric Hobsbawm, 1917-2012

Ryan Poewww.ryanmpoe.com/

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Labor History OpEd People

Eugene Genovese, 1930-2012

Ryan Poewww.ryanmpoe.com/

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Global Affairs Articles

Welcome to Global Affairs

This is a test post for the Global Affairs committee blog. We encourage any and all international participation, so please send us links,

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