Ryan Poe
Issues of Labor

Labor 9.4 (Winter, 2012)

In This Issue The Common Verse Jeanne Bryner, “Silence Gives Consent“ LAWCHA Watch Cecilia Bucki, “LAWCHA/OAH Meeting in Milwaukee: Looking Ahead“ Contemporary Affairs

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International Conference Labor History

CFP: European Social History Conference (deadline: May 15)

Registration for ESSHC 2014 is now open. The European Social Science History Conference is organized by the International Institute of Social History (IISH),

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Global Affairs Articles LAWCHA

Alex Lichtenstein on Marikana: A View From the Mountain and a Case to Answer

In the September 1 edition of LARB, historian Alex Lichtenstein examined the background of the massacre of striking miners at Marikana, looking closely

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Anthony DeStefanis Board Profile (Correction from Official Ballot)

I, Ryan Poe, mistakenly left off two full paragraphs of Anthony DeStefanis’ bio on the LAWCHA board member election ballots. Myself and the

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Linda Gordon, “Juicing up the labor movement? Try speaking to women’s issues,” UAW News, December 27, 2012

On Dec. 11 Michigan passed two right-to-work laws, one for public and one for private employees. As even our president said, they mean

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Peter Cole, “Behind the Longshoremen’s Strike Threat,” The Progressive, December 29

“Just days before year’s end, a growing chorus of retailers, manufacturers, and conservative politicians called on President Obama to invoke a notorious anti-union

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Action Alerts

Update: Dismantling Labor’s Past in Maine

Two years ago, Maine Governor Paul LePage’s removed Judy Taylor’s labor history mural located in the state’s Department of Labor. On January 14th,

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Action Alerts

Save Labor Studies at UMass Boston

Please take a few minutes to let the UMass Boston know that you want to bring back the Labor Studies Undergraduate Degree Program.

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