Ryan Poe

James B. Leonard, “Don’t weaken labor law’s ‘hot goods’ provision”

Migrant farmworkers, particularly hand-harvest laborers, are frequently paid less than the minimum wage. Many growers rely on shady farm labor contractors to recruit

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Events (Old)

Bay Area: The Great Migration and Motown

Thursday, December 19: The Rockin’ Solidarity Labor Chorus presents The Great Migration and Motown. Diego Rivera Theater, San Francisco City College, Ocean Campus

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Eileen Boris appears on Stateside with Cynthia Canty (Radio), “Domestic workers are critical to our economy, so why are they invisible?”

There has been virtually no end to the stories focusing on the “Lean In” concept put forth by then- C.O.O of Facebook Sheryl

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Michael Honey, “Who stole the American dream and how can we get it back?”

We recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech at the March on Washington for Jobs

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Action Alerts

Add Your Signature to a Letter from LAWCHA Members against Weakened Farmworker Protection in the Farm Bill

Section 10008 would add to the discrimination against farmworkers in labor law by requiring the Department of Labor (DOL) to consult with the

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Call for Proposals

LRAN New Scholars Research Grants (Deadline: December 15)

The Labor Research and Action Network (LRAN) connects workers’ rights organizations, academics and students with the shared goal of building workplace and economic

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Peter Cole, “Don’t weaken fair labor standards”

Anyone care to return to the days of child labor? How about the times when employers did not have to pay a minimum

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Action Alerts

Colombian Trade Unionist Murdered, Others Face Immediate Risk

Oscar López Triviño was murdered on November 9 in the Colombian city of Bugalagrande a day after he and other members of his

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