Ryan Poe
Call for Proposals

MLWCH CFP, “Resistance and Remembrance,” Final Extension: January 3, 2014

2014 Midwest Labor and Working-Class History (MLWCH) Colloquium. “Resistance and Remembrance: Collective Identities and the Uses of History.” University of Illinois at Chicago,

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Events (Old)

LAWCHA at the AHA: Dinner with Karen Nussbaum

LAWCHA dinner with Karen Nussbaum, Executive Director of Working America, to be held Friday, January 3rd at 7 p.m. at the Café Dupont

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Labor History

Inequality.is Makes Plain What Inequality Is

Ryan Poewww.ryanmpoe.com/

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Labor History

Mother Jones Lives Facebook Page

Ryan Poewww.ryanmpoe.com/

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Gutman Prize Deadline Extension to January 10

Ryan Poewww.ryanmpoe.com/

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Jessican Wilkerson, “Remembering the Mothers Who Fought for Food Assistance”

I recently had a conversation with a family member—let’s call her Sally—who is convinced that our cousin, who is poor and struggles with

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Call for Proposals

Taft Prize Deadline Sunday, December 15

I am pleased to announce the beginning of the annual competition for the Philip Taft Labor History Award. The competition is open to

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Events (Old)

WCSA Conference, How Class Works

June 5-7, 2014, SUNY Stony Brook. The conference seeks to explore ways in which an explicit recognition of class helps to understand the

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Peter Rachleff, “Hormel to WalMart: Low-wage workers protest, organize”

Last week thousands of fast food, retail, and other service sector workers initiated a series of protests across the country, including one day

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