Ryan Poe
Call for Proposals

SLSA Accepting Essay Submissions for the Robert H. Zieger Prize

The Southern Labor Studies Association (SLSA) announces the Robert H. Zieger Prize for the best essay in Southern Labor Studies. This prize has

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Events (Old)

Justice in the Home: Domestic Work Past, Present, and Future

October 16, 2014, Barnard Center for Research on Women, New York, NY. This research conference on domestic workers and domestic worker organizing will

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Call for Proposals Opportunity

David Montgomery Book Award Seeking Submissions (Deadline: October 1)

The Organization of American Historians and the Labor and Working-Class History Association is currently seeking submissions for the 2015 David Montgomery Book Award

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Events (Old)

Labor and the Women’s Movement: The Untold Story and Why It Matters

September 27, 2014. Veteran Feminists of America (VFA) will celebrate the contribution of labor women to the women’s movement at an event on

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Events (Old)

NALHC: The Nature of Work

October 16-18, 2014. While the field of environmental history has provided new horizons within which to situate work and workers, this conference intends

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Eileen Boris and Jennifer Klein, “A shameful setback for home care worker rights”

On Monday in a 5–4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Harris v. Quinn that home care workers paid through Medicaid do

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Eileen Boris and Jennifer Klein on Harris v. Quinn

Harris v. Quinn shows as little respect for history as it does for women’s work. It distorts the status of thousands of homecare

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Help Send Undocumented Student Leaders to Mississippi Freedom Summer 50th Conference

LAWCHA member Bethany Moreton asks all who are able to please donate to Freedom University’s effort to send its students to the 50th

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Events (Old)

Fighting Against War: Peace Activism in the Twentieth Century

February, 11-13, 2015 (CFP Deadline, July 31), University of Melbourne, Australia. Throughout the twentieth century, labour movement activists have been in the forefront

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Labor History Teaching Blog

Growing Apart: A Political History of American Inequality

Author Colin Gordon’s book, Growing Apart: A Political History of American Inequality is an online textbook that uses historical and economic analysis to

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