Rosemary Feurer
Teaching Blog

Connecting teachers struggles to the public good

The Chicago Teachers Union’s (CTU) recent decision to boycott Illinois Standards Achievement Tests, its efforts to fight privatization of education and school closures,

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So the UAW Lost, What Can Be Done? Some History Lessons.

In the aftermath of the UAW loss in the Volkswagen union election in Tennessee, declarations of “A Titanic Defeat” echo across the blogosphere.

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Activism Labor History

Donations Needed to Restore the Mother Jones Monument

I often hear from trade unionists who stop at Mother Jones’ gravesite and monument in Mount Olive, Ill., (just off Highway 55, about

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Thinking of Calumet 1913

My husband keeps expressing a hankering to go up to Calumet, Michigan on Christmas eve to commemorate the 73 people, mostly children, who

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Defend the Irish University Campaign—A call for Solidarity

University professors in Ireland are leading a campaign that links concerns for their work with a concern for education as a public good.

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New Deal Era Labor Art Explored in Collaborative Project

Labor and New Deal Art: the Commemoration of the Little Steel Strike of 1937 is a wonderful resource for labor historians and teachers,

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Time for Truth and Reconciliation by the AFL-CIO?

A remarkable commemoration occurred recently in Winston-Salem, North Carolina–a tribute to the connections forged between civil rights and unionism 70 years ago. Rosemary

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Labor historian Bob Korstad on “why I chose to be arrested”

On May 6, Bob Korstad joined civil rights activists, 2 former presidents of the Organization of American Historians and other concerned citizens to

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Workers’ Memorial Day Reflections

As I write this it’s Workers’ Memorial Day, an event that barely gets a blip on the media screens. But it brought to

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Mainstream media thinks studying the history of capitalism is a good thing

Two recent stories in the bastions of mainstream media draw attention to the study of capitalism and Marx. That’s all to the good,

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