Call for Proposals

Midwest Labor and Working Class History Colloquium CFP

Midwest Labor and Working Class History Colloquium organizers are currently soliciting papers for the 2017 colloquium. We welcome scholars from any discipline interested in presenting on a topic that broadly fits under the theme. The colloquium is open to scholars, public historians, graduate students, and activists presenting on contemporary and historical topics.

The one-day colloquium will be held at the University of Memphis in the University Center.  All presentations are free and open to the public.  This year’s plenary roundtable explores the intersection of labor and working-class history, activism, and the scholarship on teaching and learning.

The Department of History is hosting the colloquium in co-sponsorship with the following organizations:

  • Benjamin L. Hooks Institute for Social Change at the University of Memphis
  • Marcus Orr Center for the Humanities (MOCH)

We are accepting individual submissions and panels of three papers. Please send an abstract (250-word maximum) and CV. CFP deadline is: Friday, March 17, 2017.

All submissions and inquiries should be directed to:

Rosemary Feurer
Rosemary Feurer is Professor of History at Northern Illinois University. She is the author of Radical Unionism in the Midwest, 1900-1950, among others. She is working on The Illinois Mine Wars, 1860-1940 and a new biography of Mary Harris "Mother" Jones.